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Eight Weeks To A Complete Novel - Write Faster - Write Better - Be More Organized
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Eski 03.02.23, 21:25   #1
jockers - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
Kullanıcı Bilgileri
Üye Numarası: 17635
Üyelik tarihi: 23.04.2018
Mesajlar: 12.651
Konular: 12651
Rep Bilgisi
Rep Gücü : 19
Rep Puanı : 10
Rep Seviyesi : jockers is on a distinguished road
Level: 70 [♥ Bé-Yêu ♥♥ Bé-Yêu ♥♥ Bé-Yêu ♥♥ Bé-Yêu ♥♥ Bé-Yêu ♥]
Paylaşım: 862 / 1725
Güç: 4217 / 34049
Tecrübe: 2%

Standart Eight Weeks To A Complete Novel - Write Faster - Write Better - Be More Organized

pdf, mobi | 1.6 MB | English | Isbn:9781734689303 | Author: Becky Clark | Year: 2020

Want to speed up your writing process and complete a top-notch novel in only two months?
Do you stare at your computer screen, unable to make progress on your word count? Do you feel like all you do is spin your wheels when you sit down to write? Do you talk about your novel more than you work on it? Are you discouraged because of your slow progress? Does the idea of writing a novel seem impossible and daunting?
If you've thought any of this, then Eight Weeks to a Complete Novel might be exactly what you need. How?
• By showing you how to create a flexible outline you can live with, even if you hate outlines with an intensity usually reserved for walking into a spider web.
• By teaching you tips and tricks to speed up your writing each and every time you sit down to work on your novel.
• By helping you organize yourself and your writing space.
• By coaching you to devise your own unique, reliable system to get you from premise to THE END in eight short weeks, every single time.
Eight Weeks to a Complete Novel offers solid information in an entertaining, easy-to-digest form, leaving you confident and optimistic with new skills and ideas to make your writing dreams come true.
Career writers must produce completed novels at a dizzying speed, and you can learn the secret to joining their ranks, by adapting the Eight Weeks formula to suit your needs and lifestyle.
Don't waste another minute! Learn veteran author Becky Clark's tried-and-true techniques to become the confident, prolific writer you've always dreamed of. Buy Eight Weeks to a Complete Novel now!
[*]I've read a LOT of books on craft. This book combines a complete structure with a lot of options on how to work around the typical roadblocks that pop up for most writers. ~ Kim Olgren[*]I'm in your debt! ~ TR Fischer[*]You offered a ton of information, and because of your humor, it all made sense to me. You've inspired me to get serious about my writing. ~ Seth Pooler[*]I always have this thought that there just isn't any time, but really the problem is I have not actively chosen time for all my endeavors. I was surprised at how thorough and actionable the content was. LOTS of concrete steps are provided to help anyone find a plan that suits them. Extremely relatable and helpful. ~ Lindsay Maroney[*]Buy this book! It takes all the confusion out of writing a novel. Becky breaks down how to go about it from start to finish. ~ Norma Thomas

I've read a LOT of books on craft. This book combines a complete structure with a lot of options on how to work around the typical roadblocks that pop up for most writers. ~ Kim Olgren
I'm in your debt! ~ TR Fischer
You offered a ton of information, and because of your humor, it all made sense to me. You've inspired me to get serious about my writing. ~ Seth Pooler
I always have this thought that there just isn't any time, but really the problem is I have not actively chosen time for all my endeavors. I was surprised at how thorough and actionable the content was. LOTS of concrete steps are provided to help anyone find a plan that suits them. Extremely relatable and helpful. ~ Lindsay Maroney
Buy this book! It takes all the confusion out of writing a novel. Becky breaks down how to go about it from start to finish. ~ NormaThomas
Category:Fiction Writing Reference, Creativity Self-Help, Writing Skill Reference

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