20.03.10, 15:21 | #1 |
Vu+Duo Barry Allen 5.1.6
Original von gutemine
FÜR BA5 BRAUCHT MAN WIRKLICH EIN IMAGE MIT ALLEN USB TREIBERN IM KERNEL IM FLASH UND FÜR WW5 AUCHT MIT FAT TREIBERN, ODER MAN MUSS DAS BETA VON BART ALLEN UM HILFE BITTEN !!! Bart is nur ein simples ipk um die probleme mit Images die (noch) nicht alle nötigen USB Treiber im Kernel haben zu umgehen, es ist kein Plugin oder ein Multiboot Werkzeug, sondern man bittet einfach Bart um Hilfe indem man Ihn in solchen Images vor der eigentlichen BA installation installiert. FOR BA 5 YOU REALLY NEED AN IMAGE WITH ALL USB DRIVERS IN KERNEL IN FLASH AND FOR WW5 ALSO WITH THE FAT DRIVERS, OR YOU HAVE TO ASK THE BART ALLEN BETA FOR HELP !!! Bart is just a simple ipk to help overcome problems with images who don't (yet) have USB drivers in Kernel. It is not a Plugin or a Multiboot Tool, you simply ask Bart for help in such images by installing him before BA. DIREKTES AUSPACKEN VON IMAGES IN DEN FLASH MIT BA IST IMMER NOCH NUR IM BETA - BITTE TESTEN ! DIRECT EXTRACTING IMAGES TO FLASH WITH BA IS STILL ONLY IN BETA - PLEASE TEST! WENN IHR PROBLEME MIT DEM BOOTMANAGER HABT DASS ER NICHT AUF DIE FERNBEDIENUNG REAGIERT, DANN PROBIERT DOCH BITTE ERST DIE RC DEVICE UMSCHALTUNG UND NICHT (!) DIE RC EBENEN IN DEN BARRY ALLEN EINSTELLUNGEN AUS !!! IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THE BOOTMANAGER THAT IT DOESN'T REACT TO THE REMOTE CONTROL, THEN PLEASE TRY OUT FIRST THE RC DEVICE SETTINGS AND NOT (!) THE RC LEVELS IN THE BARRY ALLEN SETUP WIZARD !!! ================================================== == Barry Allen for Dreambox 7025, 800, 8000 ================================================== == Version 5.0.0 by gutemine from 02.10.2009 ================================================== == Release infos ================================================== == 0.1.0 first official Version 0.1.1 add LCD support, copy, rename and erase 0.2.0 add backup and more tools options 0.2.1 bugfixes 0.2.2 quod erat demonstrandum 0.3.0 WebIF and Wizards 0.3.1 nl, 12 images, bugfixes 0.3.2 tar.bz2 images, instant extract 0.4.0 OE 1.5 support, Flashing and user scripts WebIF 0.4.1 keep squashfs and Barry Allen gets fat 0.4.2 time for a new version and new language fr 0.4.3 feeding the GNU 0.4.4 time for a new version 4.4.6 preliminary dm800 support 4.5.0 DM 800 support 4.6.1 DM 8000 support 4.8.0 time for a new version 4.9.0 new kernel 5.0.0 new partitions ================================================== == Thanks to noggie for his nfi file tools ! Thanks to DarkVolli for the enigma1 plugin ! ================================================== == 1) Prerequisites During the installation there has to be CF card in the Dreambox (attention: insert or remove into Dreambox 7025 cardreader only when Dreambox is turned off), or an USB stick which is successfully detected (in case of problems try an USB Hub). If Barry Allen on USB is used then put the CVS Image from OoZooN in Flash, because this image has the USB drivers permanently built into the kernel. If neither CF card not USB Stick are attached then installation takes place on the Harddisk. Because the images then also run from there it will run permanently and it could be necessary that you disable Harddisk Standby in the images to allow running Barry Allen stable from Harddisk. 2) Installation First boot from Flash and then copy the file enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen*.ipk to /tmp with ftp (TCP/IP must be working already). If you have an image in Flash that offers a Blue Pannel Manual Addon Install, then you can use this functionality to install the ipk file. If not, then install Barry Allen by entering the following commands in a Telnet session: cd / ipkg install /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen*.ipk Then restart enigma2 and the Barry Allen Plugin shoudl show up under Games / Plugins. In the Images installed by Barry Allen you don't have to install the Barry Allen Plugin anymore. The Barry Allen Plugin integrates himself into then automatically during the image extract. And you can remove Barry Allen if you are booted from Flash: ipkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen 3) Usage There is now the enigma2 Plugin of Barry Allen included under Games / Plugins of the enigma2 menu, which offers the full functionality of Barry Allen. For extracting of nfi images in Barry Allen copy the image files to /MB_Images (normally a link to /media/hdd/MB_Images created during Barry Allen installation) If there are Problems with image extraction or other tasks with the enigma2 plugin try doing it in telnet: cd /media/ba ba.sh extract nameoftheimage On the next reboot this new Image should be available in the bootmanager for choosing to boot it and then it can be customized and used as usual. The Bootmanager now should remember the last booted image and hence recordings from Deepstandby should work now. ================================================== == Have Fun using Barry Allen on the Dreambox !!!! ================================================== == ww.uydulife.tv
Konu sansar tarafından (20.03.10 Saat 16:32 ) değiştirilmiştir.. |
03.04.10, 13:54 | #2 | |||||||||
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