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OoZooN-CVS-lean-dm7025-20100402+ OoZooN-CVS-full-dm7025-20100402
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Eski 03.04.10, 03:45   #1
sansar - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
Kullanıcı Bilgileri
Üye Numarası: 2752
Üyelik tarihi: 27.12.2009
Yaşım: 56
Mesajlar: 3.980
Konular: 2849
Rep Bilgisi
Rep Gücü : 25
Rep Puanı : 764
Rep Seviyesi : sansar is a splendid one to beholdsansar is a splendid one to beholdsansar is a splendid one to beholdsansar is a splendid one to beholdsansar is a splendid one to beholdsansar is a splendid one to beholdsansar is a splendid one to behold
Level: 47 [♥ Bé-Yêu ♥♥ Bé-Yêu ♥♥ Bé-Yêu ♥♥ Bé-Yêu ♥♥ Bé-Yêu ♥]
Paylaşım: 116 / 1166
Güç: 1326 / 51067
Tecrübe: 65%

Standart OoZooN-CVS-lean-dm7025-20100402+ OoZooN-CVS-full-dm7025-20100402

# OoZooN-CVS-lean-dm7025-20100402.nfi + OoZooN-CVS-full-dm7025-20100402.nfi

# here is my latest CVS Image based on enigma² experimental.
# Enigma is of 01.04.2010
# the plugins are of 02.04.2010
# the drivers are of 01.04.2010
# new kernel
# frontprozessor is v7, secondstage is 76
# changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE

# this image is available in two versions: lean and full. the lean is about 21,3 mb, the full is 27,3 mb.
# everything what's stripped in the lean, can installed via plugin-download and also deinstalled!
# the full-version contains all listed plugins and needed libs and is intended for all, who have their box not online
# of course are plugins and libs deinstallable if not needed.

# my changes at oe:

# own bootlogo's, artwork by clumsy
# with satellites.xml - enigma² by Reinh@rd
# usb, fat and vfat driver in kernel
# changes of dccamd start
# dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download

# (*) included full and lean
# (**) included only in full
# (***) only via plugin-download available

# systemplugins:

# autoresolution (***)
# cleanupwizard (***)
# commoninterfaceassignment (***)
# crashlogautosubmit (***)
# defaultservicesscanner (*)
# diseqctester (***)
# frontprocessorupgrade (*)
# hotplug (**)
# networkbrowser (**)
# networkserver (***)
# networkwizard (*)
# positionersetup (*)
# satelliteeditor (***)
# satelliteequipmentcontrol (*)
# satfinder (*)
# serviceeditor (***)
# setpasswd (***)
# skinselector (*)
# softwaremanager (**)
# startupservice (***)
# videomode (*)
# videotune (*)
# wirelesslan (**)

# plugins:

# audiosync (***)
# aioscreengrabber (**)
# antiscrollbar (***)
# autodimm (***)
# autotimer (**)
# babelzapper (***)
# backgroundswitcher (***)
# barryallen (***)
# buliticker (***)
# bwmon (***)
# captain-shell (***)
# cdinfo (**)
# covermanager (***)
# cronmanager (***)
# crossepg (***)
# cutlisteditor (**)
# cvsnews (***)
# dccamd (***)
# djmount (***)
# dreamexplorer (***)
# dreamirc (***)
# drwatson (***)
# dvdbackup (***)
# dvdburn (***)
# dvdcontroller (***)
# dvdeject (***)
# dvdplayer (***)
# dyndns (***)
# elektro (***)
# emailclient (***)
# epgrefresh (**)
# epgsearch (***)
# esame (***)
# fantastic (***)
# filebrowser (***)
# flashcheck (***)
# freeze (***)
# fritzcall (***)
# ftpbrowser (***)
# googlemaps (***)
# graphmultiepg (**)
# growlee (***)
# hddtemp (**)
# hdmon (***)
# httpproxy (***)
# imdb (**)
# iprec (***)
# kiddytimer (***)
# lastfm (**)
# lcdskin (***)
# letterbox (***)
# livescore (***)
# logomanager (***)
# lottozahlen (***)
# mediacenter (***)
# mediadownloader (***)
# mediaplayer (**)
# mediaplayerdeluxe (***)
# mediascanner (*)
# merlinbrowser (***)
# merlinepgsearch (***)
# merlinexplorer (***)
# merlinmusicplayer (***)
# merlinpg (***)
# meteoitalia (***)
# mosaic (***)
# mountie (***)
# mountie-light (***)
# moviecut (**)
# movieplayer (***)
# moviejukebox (***)
# movielistpreview (***)
# movieretitle (**)
# movieselectionquickbutton (***)
# movie-splitter (***)
# movietagger (**)
# multiquickbutton (***)
# multirc (***)
# netcaster (**)
# newmediaplayer (***)
# nfsedit (**)
# nfsserver (**)
# noipclient (***)
# ofdb (**)
# off (***)
# openpanel (***)
# orfat (***)
# orwell (***)
# partnerbox (***)
# passwordchanger (***)
# pauli (***)
# permanentclock (***)
# permanentrecording (***)
# permanenttimeshift (***)
# pictureplayer (**)
# pluginlist (**)
# puremp3player (**)
# quickbutton (**)
# quicktv (**)
# reconstructapsc (***)
# remotetimer (***)
# remotetv (***)
# rsdownloader (***)
# sambaserver (**)
# screensaver (***)
# secondinfobar (***)
# seekbar (***)
# sherlock (***)
# shoutcast (***)
# silenzio (***)
# simplebitrate (***)
# simplerss (**)
# socketmmi (**)
# spinnerselektor (***)
# splitscreen (***)
# sportinfos (***)
# startuptostandby (***)
# suomipoeka (***)
# swapscript (***)
# tageditor (**)
# timeshiftsave (***)
# timeupdate (***)
# trafficinfo (***)
# translator (***)
# tuxcom (**)
# tversity (***)
# unwetterinfo (***)
# updatecheck (*)
# userscripts (*)
# virtualzap (***)
# vlcplayer (**)
# wallywest (***)
# weatherplugin (***)
# webbrowser (***)
# webcamviewer (***)
# webinterface (**)
# webradiofs (***)
# werbezapper (***)
# xmltvimport (***)
# youtubeplayer (***)
# zaphistorybrowser (***)
# zapstatistic (***)
# zdfmediathek (***)

# Skins:

# blackbox (***)
# blueline (***)
# blueline.extended (***)
# blueline.single (***)
# chromeline (***)
# chromeline.cobolt (***)
# flatline (***)
# flatline.blue (***)
# glassline (***)
# greenline (***)
# greenline.extended (***)
# greenline.single (***)
# greyline (***)
# greyline.extended (***)
# greyline.single (***)
# shadowline (***)
# simple (***)
# swain (**)
# valikingsize (***)
# verysimple (***)
# veryverysimple (***)
# picon 07.0e 3d (***)
# picon 09.0e 3d (***)
# picon 13.0e 3d (***)
# picon 16.0e 3d (***)
# picon 19.2e 3d (***)
# picon 39.0e 3d (***)
# picon 42.0e 3d (***)

# MHW epg active
# load patch for crossepg
# bouquetbutton patch
# PiPzap patch
# pli channel-selection patch
# .recordings patch

# this image is updateble via plugins -> softwareupdate over internet!

# OE Build Configuration:

# BB_VERSION = "1.4.2-git"
# TARGET_ARCH = "mipsel"
# TARGET_OS = "linux"
# MACHINE = "dm7025"
# DISTRO = "opendreambox"
# DISTRO_VERSION = "1.5.0"
# TARGET_FPU = "soft"

[HIDE]02.04.2010 -

02.04.2010 -

sansar isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla
Eski 03.04.10, 08:11   #2
LUTFİ 1 - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
Kullanıcı Bilgileri
Üye Numarası: 994
Üyelik tarihi: 23.08.2009
Yaşım: 57
Mesajlar: 1.999
Konular: 491
Rep Bilgisi
Rep Gücü : 24
Rep Puanı : 746
Rep Seviyesi : LUTFİ 1 is a splendid one to beholdLUTFİ 1 is a splendid one to beholdLUTFİ 1 is a splendid one to beholdLUTFİ 1 is a splendid one to beholdLUTFİ 1 is a splendid one to beholdLUTFİ 1 is a splendid one to beholdLUTFİ 1 is a splendid one to behold
Level: 36 [♥ Bé-Yêu ♥♥ Bé-Yêu ♥♥ Bé-Yêu ♥♥ Bé-Yêu ♥]
Paylaşım: 0 / 899
Güç: 666 / 40277
Tecrübe: 96%


emeğine sağlık
LUTFİ 1 isimli Üye şimdilik offline konumundadır   Alıntı ile Cevapla
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