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oprt 27.06.10 18:31

Windows 7 Ultimate x86/x64 7601 SP1 V178

Windows 7 Ultimate x86/x64 7601 SP1 V178 (2010/RUS/ENG) | 3.42 GB

OrjinaL Windows 7'dir. Kurulum İngilizce Ve Rusçadır. Crack & SeriaL & Patch gibi Dosyalara gerek yoktur. Microsoft'un sitesinden Türkçe Dilini güncelleme ile yükleyebilirsiniz. 26.06.2010 Tarihine Kadar Çıkan Tüm güncellemel yüklüdür. Sistemden Herhangi ßir Dosya Silinmemiştir.

Compilation of Lopatkin based on the original image 7600.16385 with integrated SP1 v.178 without integration into the WinSxS folder and without pre-installing the English language.

Year: 2010
Version: Windows 7 Ultimate x86-x64 7601.16562
Platform: x86-x64
Language: Russian /ENGLisg
Size: 3.42 GB

System requirements:
CPU 1.7 GHz
Video 128 MB
RAM 512 MB

Amount of the distribution is much smaller than usual SP1. Added gadgets and search engines, themes and shortcuts. All the windows in the 3D image.

- Cleared cache of Internet Explorer
- Cleared the Temp folder
- Control Panel extra
- Means of recording actions.

UAC and Hibernate disabled, removed gap in Start menu, the inscription at the clock, the title of editorial - Ultimate.

Samples of music and videos
Conference hall
Offline Files
Speech Recognition (does not work in Russian redapktsii)

On activation:
Activation can be OEM OFF-LINE through emulation method SLIC tables, is tested in MS, no flies, because with such integration SP1 time-bomb is behind.

CRC32 - 75C3585C
MD5 - 2B88A39BB42070E41B69D474A8F8499C
SHA-1 - A7D741576377BC5F38F60172F89AB5C0CDCB4B85



Bütün Zaman Ayarları WEZ +3 olarak düzenlenmiştir. Şu Anki Saat: 16:07 .

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