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-   -   Humax ToH3.4 HoTplugged v11.4b (http://www.bilgivadisi.biz/showthread.php?t=20693)

sansar 11.03.10 18:15

Humax ToH3.4 HoTplugged v11.4b
file CRC: 5E1507AE

file MD5: abafafd179fe46d5bf0b12c886e94084

Humax ToH3.4 HoTplugged v11.4b - 2010-03-01
-- Version: A --
- KD Fix (nagra) on 23.5E

- new CAID Preselect Mode CARD-CS
(CARD-CS-EMU not supported anymore)

- new CS-Protocol included: SSSP DSR
works with DSR CardSharing Studio (thx to MAHDI)

How to make your Humax work with DSR CS Studio 1.2:
• Set Sharing Protocol mode to SSSP DSR
• Set CAID Preselect to CARD+EMU+CS or CARD+CS
• Copy one of the plugins [example] into your local folder Plugin
where the main program is located
• Configure your plugin with care
• Start program and select serial port (usually COM1) for connection
• Activate only one plugin!

How to make your cccam work: see examples (-> DSR_CSStudio 1.2 -> Plugins)

Hadu : Server=CCCam:MyServer.com:12000:0:MyUsername:MyPas sword
Acamd: cccamn: password
Flycccam (flydahli): C: xxx.xxx.xxx 12000 name pass
WinCSC: edit wincsc.ini attached (working) or edit servers in
main plugin window

- Satellite Names (see drop-down list in the Humax-menu "Antenna Setting")
have been revised and mostly replaced by new ones (thx to Lombardo)

new old
--- ---
Astra 1 Astra 1
Astra 2 & Eurob.1 Astra 2
Hotbird Hotbird
EB & ES - 16.E Eutelsat W2
Eurobird 9 Eurobird 1
Astra 3A,1E,1G Astra 3A
Eutelsat W3A Telstar 11
Turksat Turksat 1C
Hellas Sat Intelsat 907
Atlantic Bird 3 Intelsat 707
Hispasat Hispasat
Thor & IS10-02 Thor 2,3
Sirius Sirius 2,3
Badr Arabsat 2A,3A,2D
Amos Amos 1
Nilesat & AB4 Nilesat 101,102
Atlantic Bird 2 Telecom 2D

For correct display of the new firmware-embedded Satellite Names you
should use the editor HNFSmart2.4fix2 (by Nostromo) and replace the old
file "satnames.ini" in the folder of HNFSmart2.4fix2 (usually in
"C:\Programs\HumaxSmartSuite\HNFSmart") by the new file "satnames.ini"
that comes with current firmware ToH3.4HoT11.4 (see extra folder).

- brand-new PMCT (thx to Lombardo)
PMCT_2010-02-27_ToH34HoT114.csv (included in 11.4)
PMCT_2010-02-27_ToH34HoT114_only_for_SCT-Irdeto-Card.csv (use this one,
if you have an original SCT Irdeto Card)
what has be done:
Reworking of CAS Entries with respect to current EMU situation
Reworking of priorities for CARD+EMU+CS and CARD+CS
Inclusion of up-to-date CAID tables (VDR-Wiki)
Update of transponder tables for Quick Automatic Search

- Default Send DiSEqC twice for cascade is OFF
(Please be sure, that it's turned OFF if you don't need it)

- small bug fixes


Bütün Zaman Ayarları WEZ +3 olarak düzenlenmiştir. Şu Anki Saat: 23:44 .

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