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yumatu ıq plus ailesine müjde
dreamcinema çözücü kutu yumatu iq plus veya baff 5000 gold veya baff 6000 gold serisi tüm cihazlar ile uyumludur. İNTERNET GEREKTİRMEZ SERVER GEREKTİRMEZ HERHANGİ BİR EK ÜCRET GEREKTİRMEZ RESMEN BEDAVA SIFIR RİSK SİSTEMİ İLE GÜVENLİ ALIŞ VERİŞ. YILLIK AÇTIĞI KANAL DEĞERİ 7,000 TL YAPMANIZ GEREKEN TEK ŞEY BİR ADET 90 LIK ÇANAK KURUP KABLOSUNU CİHAZA GİRİŞE TAKMAK. RS232 İLE YUKARDA BELİRTTİĞİMİZ CİHAZLARDAN HERHANGİ BİRİNE BAĞLANTI YAPIP İZLEMENİN KEYFİNİ YAŞAYIN. ŞİFRE ARAMA DERDİNE SON YERLİ PLATFOM YOKTUR. BU TÜR SORULAR CEVAPLANMAYACAKTIR. DÜNYANIN EN ÜNLÜ KANALLARINI BEDAVA İZLEMENİN KEYFİNİ SİZDE YAŞAYIN: UEFA ŞAMPİYONLAR LİGİ, DÜNYA KUPASI, LCP CUP, NBA ,TENNİS, BELGESEL , SİNEMA FİLM KANALLARI,ADULT KANALLARI, MÜZİK VE ÇİZGİ FİLM KANALLARI. AŞAĞIDA BELİRTİLEN TÜM KANALLAR BEDAVA!!!!! İNTERNET YOK SERVER YOK EK ÜCRET YOK. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 876x123. NOVA SPORT 1 NOVA SPORT3 NOVA SPORT 4 NOVA SPORT 5 NOVA SPORT 6 NOVA SPORT 7 NOVA Highlights MOTORS TV AB MOTEURS ART SPORT1 ART SPORT2 ART SPORT3 ART SPORT4 ART SPORT5 ART SPORT6 ART PRIME SPORT JSC SPORT1 JSC SPORT2 JSC SPORT3 JSC SPORT4 JSC SPORT5 JSC SPORT6 JSC SPORT7 JSC SPORT8 Mega TV ANT 1 Star Alter TV Alpha E! Emea Nova promo Alfa TV TCM Europe TV SKAI ET 1 ET 3 TV Mezzo TCM ACTION MGM CHANNEL ART MOVIES ART MOVIES 2 ART CINEMA POLONIA 1 EDUSAT AB1 AL MAGHRIBIA AL AOULA İNTER ARRABIAA ASSADISSA MEDI1SAT ARRIADA CHASSE & PECH CHASSE & PECH 2 TRAVER CHANNEL ENTERTAINMENT ESCALES ANIMUX THE HISTORY CHANNEL NATIONAL GEOGRAPIC ANIMAL PLANET DISCOVERY CHANNEL Boomerang Europe Cartoon Network jETIX JETIX 2 MANGAS CARTOON NETWORK SexOnTV GOLD SexOnTV DİAMOND SexOnTV CRYSTAL SexOnTV SILVER SexOnTV CLASSIC Sex View SEXView TV Sex View Plus SEXView Extra Sex View 247 Sex View DP Sex View Climax Sex View Extreme Sex View Hot Sex View Inter Sex View Special Sex View Gay Free X TV Free X TV 2 X Dream TV Private Spice Playboy Dorcel Tv. Satisfaction 1 Satisfaction 2 Satisfaction 3 Satisfaction 4 Satisfaction 6 REDLİGHT PREMİUM FRENCH LOVER. VH1 Europe MTV CRO MUSIC CHANNEL Nilesat 10,930 H 27500 SD Aaj TV Genel Nilesat 10.930 H 27500 SD ESPN Spor Nilesat 10,930 H 27500 SD ESPN Spor Nilesat 10.930 H 27500 SD ESPN Classic Spor Nilesat 10,930 H 27500 SD ESPN Classic Spor Nilesat 10.930 H 27500 SD ESPN NASN Spor Nilesat 10,930 H 27500 SD ESPN NASN Spor Nilesat 11.804 H 27500 SD Animal Planet Belgesel Nilesat 11,804 H 27500 SD Animal Planet Belgesel Nilesat 11.804 H 27500 SD ARY Genel Nilesat 11,804 H 27500 SD ARY Genel Nilesat 11.804 H 27500 SD Asianet Genel Nilesat 11,804 H 27500 SD Asianet Genel Nilesat 11.804 H 27500 SD B4U Movies Film Nilesat 11,804 H 27500 SD B4U Movies Film Nilesat 11.804 H 27500 SD B4U Music Müzik Nilesat 11,804 H 27500 SD B4U Music Müzik Nilesat 11.804 H 27500 SD Baby TV Çocuk Nilesat 11,804 H 27500 SD Baby TV Çocuk Nilesat 11.804 H 27500 SD Discovery Science Belgesel Nilesat 11,804 H 27500 SD Discovery Science Belgesel Nilesat 11.804 H 27500 SD Fox News Haber Nilesat 11,804 H 27500 SD Fox News Haber Nilesat 11.804 H 27500 SD Granada TV Genel Nilesat 11,804 H 27500 SD Granada TV Genel Nilesat 11.804 H 27500 SD Jetix Çocuk Nilesat 11,804 H 27500 SD Jetix Çocuk Nilesat 11.804 H 27500 SD Sky News Haber Nilesat 11,804 H 27500 SD Sky News Haber Nilesat 11.804 H 27500 SD Star News Haber Nilesat 11,804 H 27500 SS Yıldızlı Haber Haber Nilesat 11.804 H 27500 SD Star One Film Nilesat 11,804 H 27500 SS Yıldızlı Bir Film Nilesat 11.804 H 27500 SD Ten Sports Spor Nilesat 11,804 H 27500 Ten Sports Spor SD Nilesat 11.804 H 27500 SD Zone Reality Belgesel Nilesat 11,804 H 27500 SD Zone Reality Belgesel Nilesat 11.862 V 27500 SD BBC Prime Haber Nilesat 11,862 V 27500 SD BBC Prime Haber Nilesat 11.862 V 27500 SD E! Nilesat 11,862 V 27500 SD E! Entertainment Genel Eğlence Genel Nilesat 11.862 V 27500 SD Extreme Sports Spor Nilesat 11,862 V 27500 SD Extreme Sports Spor Nilesat 11.862 V 27500 SD Jamjam Çocuk Nilesat 11,862 V 27500 SD Jamjam Çocuk Nilesat 11.862 V 27500 SD MBC+ Drama Film Nilesat 11,862 V 27500 SD MBC + Drama Filmi Nilesat 11.862 V 27500 SD Nat Geo Wild Belgesel Nilesat 11,862 V 27500 SD Nat Geo Wild Belgesel Nilesat 11.862 V 27500 SD Show Comedy Extra Film Nilesat 11,862 V 27500 SD göster Komedi Ekstra Film Nilesat 11.862 V 27500 SD Show Shasha Film Nilesat 11,862 V 27500 SD göster Shasha Film Nilesat 11.881 H 27500 SD Channel V India Genel Nilesat 11,881 H 27500 SD Channel V India Genel Nilesat 11.881 H 27500 SD Channel V Int. Nilesat 11,881 H 27500 SD Channel V Int. Genel Genel Nilesat 11.881 H 27500 SD Geo News Haber Nilesat 11,881 H 27500 SD Geo News Haber Nilesat 11.881 H 27500 SD National Geographic Genel Nilesat 11,881 H 27500 SD National Geographic Genel Nilesat 11.881 H 27500 SD NDTV Haber Nilesat 11,881 H 27500 SD NDTV Haber Nilesat 11.881 H 27500 SD SET Film Nilesat 11,881 H 27500 SD SET Film Nilesat 11.881 H 27500 SD SET Max Film Nilesat 11,881 H 27500 SD SET Max Film Nilesat 11.881 H 27500 SD Star Gold Film Nilesat 11,881 H 27500 SD Star Gold Film Nilesat 11.881 H 27500 SD Star Movies Film Nilesat 11,881 H 27500 SS Yıldızlı Filmler Film Nilesat 11.881 H 27500 SD Star Plus Film Nilesat 11,881 H 27500 SD Star Plus Film Nilesat 11.881 H 27500 SD Star World Belgesel Nilesat 11,881 H 27500 SS Yıldızlı Dünya Belgesel Nilesat 11.881 H 27500 SD Zee Cinema Film Nilesat 11,881 H 27500 SD Zee Cinema Film Nilesat 11.881 H 27500 SD Zee Gujarati Genel Nilesat 11,881 H 27500 SD Zee Gujarati Genel Nilesat 11.881 H 27500 SD Zee News Haber Nilesat 11,881 H 27500 SD Zee News Haber Nilesat 11.958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 1 Spor Nilesat 11,958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 1 Spor Nilesat 11.958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 2 Spor Nilesat 11,958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 2 Spor Nilesat 11.958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 3 Spor Nilesat 11,958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 3 Spor Nilesat 11.958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 4 Spor Nilesat 11,958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 4 Spor Nilesat 11.958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 5 Spor Nilesat 11,958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 5 Spor Nilesat 11.958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 6 Spor Nilesat 11,958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 6 Spor Nilesat 11.958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 7 Spor Nilesat 11,958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 7 Spor Nilesat 11.958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 8 Spor Nilesat 11,958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 8 Spor Nilesat 11.958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 9 Spor Nilesat 11,958 H 27500 SD ART Sport 9 Spor Nilesat 11.996 H 27500 SD Show Comedy Film Nilesat 11,996 H 27500 SD göster Komedi Filmleri Nilesat 11.996 H 27500 SD Show Movies 1 Film Nilesat 11,996 H 27500 SD göster Filmler 1 Film Nilesat 11.996 H 27500 SD Show Movies 2 Film Nilesat 11,996 H 27500 SD göster Filmler 2 Film Nilesat 11.996 H 27500 SD Show Movies Action Film Nilesat 11,996 H 27500 SD göster Filmler Aksiyon Film Nilesat 11.996 H 27500 SD Show Movies Comedy Film Nilesat 11,996 H 27500 SD göster Filmler Komedi Filmleri Nilesat 11.996 H 27500 SD Show Movies Kids Film Nilesat 11,996 H 27500 SD göster Filmler Çocuk Film Nilesat 11.996 H 27500 SD Show Series Film Nilesat 11,996 H 27500 SD göster Serisi Film Nilesat 11.996 H 27500 SD Show Series Extra Film Nilesat 11,996 H 27500 SD göster Serisi Ekstra Film Nilesat 11.996 H 27500 SD Show Sports 1 Spor Nilesat 11,996 H 27500 SD göster Spor 1 Spor Nilesat 11.996 H 27500 SD Show Sports 2 Spor Nilesat 11,996 H 27500 SD göster Spor 2 Spor Nilesat 11.996 H 27500 SD Show Sports 3 Spor Nilesat 11,996 H 27500 SD göster Spor 3 Spor Nilesat 11.996 H 27500 SD Show Sports 4 Spor Nilesat 11,996 H 27500 SD göster Spor 4 Spor Nilesat 12.034 H 27500 SD Aflam 1 Genel Nilesat 12,034 H 27500 SD Aflam 1 Genel Nilesat 12.034 H 27500 SD Aflam 2 Genel Nilesat 12,034 H 27500 SD Aflam 2 Genel Nilesat 12.034 H 27500 SD ART AlZaeem Genel Nilesat 12,034 H 27500 SD SANAT AlZaeem Genel Nilesat 12.034 H 27500 SD ART Hekayat Genel Nilesat 12,034 H 27500 SD SANAT Hekayat Genel Nilesat 12.034 H 27500 SD ART Hekayat Kaman Genel Nilesat 12,034 H 27500 SD SANAT Hekayat Kaman Genel Nilesat 12.034 H 27500 SD ART Hekayat Zaman Genel Nilesat 12,034 H 27500 SD SANAT Hekayat Zaman Genel Nilesat 12.034 H 27500 SD Cinema Film Nilesat 12,034 H 27500 SD Sinema Film Nilesat 12.034 H 27500 SD Nat Geo Adventure Belgesel Nilesat 12,034 H 27500 SD Nat Geo Adventure Belgesel Nilesat 12.034 H 27500 SD Tarab Genel Nilesat 12,034 H 27500 SD Tarab Genel Nilesat 12.073 H 27500 SD Boomerang Çocuk Nilesat 12,073 H 27500 SD Boomerang Çocuk Nilesat 12.073 H 27500 SD Cartoon Network Çocuk Nilesat 12,073 H 27500 SD Cartoon Network Çocuk Nilesat 12.073 H 27500 SD CNBC Haber Nilesat 12,073 H 27500 SD CNBC Haber Nilesat 12.073 H 27500 SD Discovery World Belgesel Nilesat 12,073 H 27500 SD Discovery World Belgesel Nilesat 12.073 H 27500 SD Fox Lifestyle Belgesel Nilesat 12,073 H 27500 SD Fox Lifestyle Belgesel Nilesat 12.073 H 27500 SD Hallmark Film Nilesat 12,073 H 27500 SD Hallmark Film Nilesat 12.073 H 27500 SD Kids Co Çocuk Nilesat 12,073 H 27500 SD Kids Co Çocuk Nilesat 12.073 H 27500 SD MTV Müzik Nilesat 12,073 H 27500 SD MTV Müzik Nilesat 12.073 H 27500 SD TCM Film Nilesat 12,073 H 27500 SD TCM Film Nilesat 12.073 H 27500 SD Travel Channel Belgesel Nilesat 12,073 H 27500 SD Travel Channel Belgesel Nilesat 12.073 H 27500 SD VH1 Müzik Nilesat 12,073 H 27500 SD VH1 Müzik Nilesat 12.284 V 27500 SD JSC Sport +1 Spor Nilesat 12,284 V 27500 SD JSC Sport 1 Spor Nilesat 12.284 V 27500 SD JSC Sport +2 Spor Nilesat 12,284 V 27500 SD JSC Sport 2 Spor Nilesat 12.284 V 27500 SD JSC Sport +3 Spor Nilesat 12,284 V 27500 SD JSC Spor 3 Spor Nilesat 12.284 V 27500 SD JSC Sport +4+5+6+7+8+HD Nilesat 12,284 V 27500 SD JSC Sport 4 5 6 7 8 + HD Hotbird 10.853 H 27500 SD French Lover Yetişkin Hotbird 10,853 H 27500 SD Fransızca Lover Yetişkin Hotbird 10.853 H 27500 SD X Dream TV Yetişkin Hotbird 10,853 H 27500 SD X Dream TV Yetişkin Hotbird 10.930 H 27500 SD Animal Planet Belgesel Hotbird 10,930 H 27500 SD Animal Planet Belgesel Hotbird 10.930 H 27500 SD MGM Film Hotbird 10,930 H 27500 SD MGM Film Hotbird 10.930 H 27500 SD MTV Müzik Hotbird 10,930 H 27500 SD MTV Müzik Hotbird 10.930 H 27500 SD National Geographic Belgesel Hotbird 10,930 H 27500 SD, National Geographic Belgesel Hotbird 10.930 H 27500 SD Nova Cinema 2 Film Hotbird 10,930 H 27500 SD Nova Cinema 2 Film Hotbird 10.930 H 27500 SD Nova Sports 3 Spor Hotbird 10,930 H 27500 SD Nova Spor 3 Spor Hotbird 10.930 H 27500 SD VH1 Müzik Hotbird 10,930 H 27500 SD VH1 Müzik Hotbird 11.296 H 27500 SD JSC Sport +1 Spor Hotbird 11,296 H 27500 SD JSC Sport 1 Spor Hotbird 11.296 H 27500 SD JSC Sport +2 Spor Hotbird 11,296 H 27500 SD JSC Sport 2 Spor Hotbird 11.296 H 27500 SD JSC Sport +3 Spor Hotbird 11,296 H 27500 SD JSC Spor 3 Spor Hotbird 11.296 H 27500 SD JSC Sport +4 Spor Hotbird 11,296 H 27500 SD JSC Sport 4 Spor Hotbird 11.411 H 27500 SD Dorcel TV Yetişkin Hotbird 11,411 H 27500 SD Dorcel TV Yetişkin Hotbird 11.411 H 27500 SD ~~~ On TV Classic Yetişkin Hotbird 11,411 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ TV Classic Yetişkin On Hotbird 11.411 H 27500 SD ~~~ On TV Crystal Yetişkin Hotbird 11,411 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ TV Kristal Yetişkin On Hotbird 11.411 H 27500 SD ~~~ On TV Diamond Yetişkin Hotbird 11,411 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ TV Diamond Yetişkin On Hotbird 11.411 H 27500 SD ~~~ On TV Gold Yetişkin Hotbird 11,411 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ TV Gold Yetişkin On Hotbird 11.411 H 27500 SD ~~~ On TV Silver Yetişkin Hotbird 11,411 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ TV Silver Yetişkin On Hotbird 11.681 H 27500 SD AB 1 Film Hotbird 11,681 H 27500 SD AB 1 Film Hotbird 11.681 H 27500 SD AB Moteurs Spor Hotbird 11,681 H 27500 SD AB Moteurs Spor Hotbird 11.681 H 27500 SD Action Film Hotbird 11,681 H 27500 SD aksiyon filmi Hotbird 11.681 H 27500 SD Animaux Belgesel Hotbird 11,681 H 27500 SD Animaux Belgesel Hotbird 11.681 H 27500 SD Chesse & Peche Belgesel Hotbird 11,681 H 27500 SD Chesse & Peche Belgesel Hotbird 11.681 H 27500 SD Mangas Çocuk Hotbird 11,681 H 27500 SD Mangas Çocuk Hotbird 11.681 H 27500 SD RTL 9 Film Hotbird 11,681 H 27500 SD RTL 9 Film Hotbird 11.681 H 27500 SD TF 1 Genel Hotbird 11,681 H 27500 SD TF 1 Genel Hotbird 11.727 V 27500 SD S1 Yetişkin Hotbird 11,727 V 27500 SD S1 Yetişkin Hotbird 11.727 V 27500 SD S2 Yetişkin Hotbird 11,727 V 27500 SD S2 Yetişkin Hotbird 11.727 V 27500 SD S3 Yetişkin Hotbird 11,727 V 27500 SD S3 Yetişkin Hotbird 11.727 V 27500 SD S6 Yetişkin Hotbird 11,727 V 27500 SD S6 Yetişkin Hotbird 11.823 H 27500 SD Alpha TV Genel Hotbird 11,823 H 27500 SD Alpha TV Genel Hotbird 11.823 H 27500 SD Alter Genel Hotbird 11,823 H 27500 SD Alter Genel Hotbird 11.823 H 27500 SD ANT 1 Genel Hotbird 11,823 H 27500 SD ANT 1 Genel Hotbird 11.823 H 27500 SD Jetix Çocuk Hotbird 11,823 H 27500 SD Jetix Çocuk Hotbird 11.823 H 27500 SD Mega Genel Hotbird 11,823 H 27500 SD Mega Genel Hotbird 11.823 H 27500 SD Nova Cinema 1 Film Hotbird 11,823 H 27500 SD Nova Cinema 1 Film Hotbird 11.823 H 27500 SD Nova Sports 1 Spor Hotbird 11,823 H 27500 SD Nova Sports 1 Spor Hotbird 11.823 H 27500 SD Nova Sports 1 Cy Spor Hotbird 11,823 H 27500 SD Nova Sports 1 Cy Spor Hotbird 11.823 H 27500 SD R1 Film Hotbird 11,823 H 27500 SD R1 Film Hotbird 11.823 H 27500 SD R11 Spor Hotbird 11,823 H 27500 SD R11 Spor Hotbird 11.823 H 27500 SD R12 Çocuk Hotbird 11,823 H 27500 SD R12 Çocuk Hotbird 11.823 H 27500 SD R3 Genel Hotbird 11,823 H 27500 SD R3 Genel Hotbird 11.823 H 27500 SD R4 Genel Hotbird 11,823 H 27500 SD R4 Genel Hotbird 11.823 H 27500 SD R5 Genel Hotbird 11,823 H 27500 SD R5 Genel Hotbird 11.823 H 27500 SD R6 Genel Hotbird 11,823 H 27500 SD R6 Genel Hotbird 11.823 H 27500 SD Star Genel Hotbird 11,823 H 27500 SS Yıldızlı Genel Hotbird 11.938 H 27500 SD Boomerang Çocuk Hotbird 11,938 H 27500 SD Boomerang Çocuk Hotbird 11.938 H 27500 SD Chesse & Peche Belgesel Hotbird 11,938 H 27500 SD Chesse & Peche Belgesel Hotbird 11.938 H 27500 SD E! Hotbird 11,938 H 27500 SD E! Entertainment Genel Eğlence Genel Hotbird 11.938 H 27500 SD Nova Cinema 3 Film Hotbird 11,938 H 27500 SD Nova Cinema 3 Film Hotbird 11.938 H 27500 SD Nova Sports 4 Spor Hotbird 11,938 H 27500 SD Nova Sports 4 Spor Hotbird 11.938 H 27500 SD Nova Sports 6 Spor Hotbird 11,938 H 27500 SD Nova Sports 6 Spor Hotbird 11.938 H 27500 SD Nova Sports Highlights Spor Hotbird 11,938 H 27500 SD Nova spor olayları Spor Hotbird 11.938 H 27500 SD Playboy TV Yetişkin Hotbird 11,938 H 27500 SD Playboy TV Yetişkin Hotbird 11.938 H 27500 SD Private Spice Yetişkin Hotbird 11,938 H 27500 SD Private Spice Yetişkin Hotbird 11.938 H 27500 SD The History Channel Belgesel Hotbird 11,938 H 27500 Kanal Belgesel Tarih SD Hotbird 12.015 H 27500 SD ART Cinema Film Hotbird 12,015 H 27500 SD SANAT Sinema Film Hotbird 12.015 H 27500 SD ART Hekayat Genel Hotbird 12,015 H 27500 SD SANAT Hekayat Genel Hotbird 12.015 H 27500 SD ART Hekayat Zaman Genel Hotbird 12,015 H 27500 SD SANAT Hekayat Zaman Genel Hotbird 12.015 H 27500 SD ART Movies Film Hotbird 12,015 H 27500 SD SANAT Filmler Film Hotbird 12.015 H 27500 SD ART Movies 2 Film Hotbird 12,015 H 27500 SD SANAT Filmler 2 Film Hotbird 12.015 H 27500 SD ART Prime Sport Spor Hotbird 12,015 H 27500 SD ART Prime Sport Spor Hotbird 12.015 H 27500 SD ART Sport 1 Spor Hotbird 12,015 H 27500 SD ART Sport 1 Spor Hotbird 12.015 H 27500 SD ART Sport 2 Spor Hotbird 12,015 H 27500 SD ART Sport 2 Spor Hotbird 12.015 H 27500 SD ART Sport 3 Spor Hotbird 12,015 H 27500 SD ART Sport 3 Spor Hotbird 12.015 H 27500 SD ART Sport 4 Spor Hotbird 12,015 H 27500 SD ART Sport 4 Spor Hotbird 12.015 H 27500 SD ART Sport 5 Spor Hotbird 12,015 H 27500 SD ART Sport 5 Spor Hotbird 12.015 H 27500 SD ART Sport 6 Spor Hotbird 12,015 H 27500 SD ART Sport 6 Spor Hotbird 12.015 H 27500 SD LBC Europe Genel Hotbird 12,015 H 27500 SD LBC Europe Genel Hotbird 12.169 H 27500 SD Cartoon Network Çocuk Hotbird 12,169 H 27500 SD Cartoon Network Çocuk Hotbird 12.169 H 27500 SD Discovery Channel Belgesel Hotbird 12,169 H 27500 SD Discovery Channel Belgesel Hotbird 12.169 H 27500 SD ET-3 Genel Hotbird 12,169 H 27500 SD ET-3 Genel Hotbird 12.169 H 27500 SD Skai TV Genel Hotbird 12,169 H 27500 SD Skai TV Genel Hotbird 12.207 H 27500 SD Free X TV Yetişkin Hotbird 12,207 H 27500 SD Free X TV Yetişkin Hotbird 12.207 H 27500 SD Free X TV 2 Yetişkin Hotbird 12,207 H 27500 SD Free X TV 2 Yetişkin Hotbird 12.303 V 27500 SD Cro Music Channel Müzik Hotbird 12,303 V 27500 SD Cro Müzik Kanalı Müzik Hotbird 12.303 V 27500 SD NTV Hayat Genel Hotbird 12,303 V 27500 SD NTV Hayat Genel Hotbird 12.360 H 27500 SD ~~~ View 247 Yetişkin Hotbird 12,360 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ View 247 Yetişkin Hotbird 12.360 H 27500 SD ~~~ View Climax Yetişkin Hotbird 12,360 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ View Climax Yetişkin Hotbird 12.360 H 27500 SD ~~~ View DP Yetişkin Hotbird 12,360 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ View DP Yetişkin Hotbird 12.360 H 27500 SD ~~~ View Extra Yetişkin Hotbird 12,360 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ Profili Ekstra Yetişkin Hotbird 12.360 H 27500 SD ~~~ View Extreme Yetişkin Hotbird 12,360 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ Profili Extreme Yetişkin Hotbird 12.360 H 27500 SD ~~~ View Gay Yetişkin Hotbird 12,360 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ View Gay Yetişkin Hotbird 12.360 H 27500 SD ~~~ View Hard Yetişkin Hotbird 12,360 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ Profili Sabit Yetişkin Hotbird 12.360 H 27500 SD ~~~ View Hot Yetişkin Hotbird 12,360 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ Profili Sıcak Yetişkin Hotbird 12.360 H 27500 SD ~~~ View Inter Yetişkin Hotbird 12,360 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ View INTER Yetişkin Hotbird 12.360 H 27500 SD ~~~ View Platinium Yetişkin Hotbird 12,360 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ Profili Platinium Yetişkin Hotbird 12.360 H 27500 SD ~~~ View Special Yetişkin Hotbird 12,360 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ Profili Özel Yetişkin Hotbird 12.360 H 27500 SD ~~~ View TV Yetişkin Hotbird 12,360 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ View TV Yetişkin Hotbird 12.399 H 27500 HD HD Suisse Genel Hotbird 12,399 H 27500 HD HD Suisse Genel Hotbird 12.520 V 27500 SD HRT 1 Genel Hotbird 12,520 V 27500 SD HRT 1 Genel Hotbird 12.520 V 27500 SD HRT 2 Genel Hotbird 12,520 V 27500 SD HRT 2 Genel Hotbird 12.520 V 27500 SD HRT Plus Genel Hotbird 12,520 V 27500 SD HRT Plus Genel Hotbird 12.692 H 27500 SD France 2 Genel Hotbird 12,692 H 27500 SD Fransa 2 Genel Hotbird 12.692 H 27500 SD M6 Genel Hotbird 12,692 H 27500 SD M6 Genel Hotbird 12.692 H 27500 SD NRJ 12 Genel Hotbird 12,692 H 27500 SD NRJ 12 Genel Hotbird 12.692 H 27500 SD TMC Film Hotbird 12,692 H 27500 SD TMC Film HellasSat 12.524 H 30000 SD Animal Planet Belgesel HellasSat 12,524 H 30000 SD Animal Planet Belgesel HellasSat 12.524 H 30000 SD BNT 1 Genel HellasSat 12,524 H 30000 SD BNT 1 Genel HellasSat 12.524 H 30000 SD bTV Genel HellasSat 12,524 H 30000 SD bTV Genel HellasSat 12.524 H 30000 SD Diema 2 Genel HellasSat 12,524 H 30000 SD Diema 2 Genel HellasSat 12.524 H 30000 SD Discovery Channel Belgesel HellasSat 12,524 H 30000 SD Discovery Channel Belgesel HellasSat 12.524 H 30000 SD Planeta TV Müzik HellasSat 12,524 H 30000 SD Planeta TV Müzik HellasSat 12.524 H 30000 SD Private Spice Yetişkin HellasSat 12,524 H 30000 SD Private Spice Yetişkin Eutelsat W2 11.178 V 27500 SD Fashion TV Moda Eutelsat W2 11,178 V 27500 SD Fashion TV Moda Eutelsat W2 11.178 V 27500 SD Pink Genel Eutelsat W2 11,178 V 27500 SD Pink Genel Eutelsat W2 11.178 V 27500 SD Pink Action Film Eutelsat W2 11,178 V 27500 SD Pembe aksiyon filmi Eutelsat W2 11.178 V 27500 SD Pink BH Genel Eutelsat W2 11,178 V 27500 SD Pink BH Genel Eutelsat W2 11.178 V 27500 SD Pink Extra Genel Eutelsat W2 11,178 V 27500 SD Pink Extra Genel Eutelsat W2 11.178 V 27500 SD Pink Family Genel Eutelsat W2 11,178 V 27500 SD Pink Aile Genel Eutelsat W2 11.178 V 27500 SD Pink Film Film Eutelsat W2 11,178 V 27500 SD Pink Film Film Eutelsat W2 11.178 V 27500 SD Pink Kids Çocuk Eutelsat W2 11,178 V 27500 SD Pink Kids Çocuk Eutelsat W2 11.178 V 27500 SD Pink M Genel Eutelsat W2 11,178 V 27500 SD Pink M Genel Eutelsat W2 11.178 V 27500 SD Pink Movies Film Eutelsat W2 11,178 V 27500 SD Pink Movies Film Eutelsat W2 11.178 V 27500 SD Pink Music Müzik Eutelsat W2 11,178 V 27500 SD Pink Music Müzik Eutelsat W2 11.178 V 27500 SD Pink Plus Genel Eutelsat W2 11,178 V 27500 SD Pink Plus Genel EuroBird 9 11.938 H 27500 SD Redlight Hot Yetişkin EuroBird 9 11,938 H 27500 SD Redlight Hot Yetişkin EuroBird 9 11.938 H 27500 SD Redlight Spicy Yetişkin EuroBird 9 11,938 H 27500 SD Redlight Spicy Yetişkin EuroBird 9 11.938 H 27500 SD Redlight Treat Yetişkin EuroBird 9 11,938 H 27500 SD Redlight Treat Yetişkin EuroBird 9 11.938 H 27500 SD Redlight Xperiance Yetişkin EuroBird 9 11,938 H 27500 SD Redlight Xperiance Yetişkin EuroBird 9 12.092 H 27500 SD ~~~ Dont Panic Yetişkin EuroBird 9 12,092 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ Don't Panic Yetişkin EuroBird 9 12.092 H 27500 SD ~~~ Hot / Black Yetişkin EuroBird 9 12,092 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ Sıcak / Siyah Yetişkin EuroBird 9 12.092 H 27500 SD ~~~ SCT Yetişkin EuroBird 9 12,092 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ ÖTV Yetişkin EuroBird 9 12.092 H 27500 SD ~~~ Strong Yetişkin EuroBird 9 12,092 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ Güçlü Yetişkin EuroBird 9 12.092 H 27500 SD ~~~ Super Yetişkin EuroBird 9 12,092 H 27500 SD ~ ~ ~ Süper Yetişkin EuroBird 2 11.054 H 27500 SD Al Riyadiyah Genel EuroBird 2 11,054 H 27500 SD Al Riyadiyah Genel EuroBird 2 11.054 H 27500 SD America Plus Genel EuroBird 2 11,054 H 27500 Amerika SD Plus Genel EuroBird 2 11.054 H 27500 SD CNBC-US Haber EuroBird 2 11,054 H 27500 SD CNBC-ABD Haber EuroBird 2 11.054 H 27500 SD Fox News Haber EuroBird 2 11,054 H 27500 SD Fox News Haber EuroBird 2 11.054 H 27500 SD Music Now Müzik EuroBird 2 11,054 H 27500 SS Music Now Müzik EuroBird 2 11.054 H 27500 SD Orbit News Haber EuroBird 2 11,054 H 27500 SD Orbit Haber Haber EuroBird 2 11.054 H 27500 SD Super Comedy Film EuroBird 2 11,054 H 27500 SD Süper Komedi Filmleri EuroBird 2 11.096 H 27500 SD C-Music Müzik EuroBird 2 11,096 H 27500 SD C-Muzik EuroBird 2 11.096 H 27500 SD Discovery Channel Belgesel EuroBird 2 11,096 H 27500 SD Discovery Channel Belgesel EuroBird 2 11.096 H 27500 SD Discovery Science 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2 11.681 H 27500 SD Hollywood Channel Film EuroBird 2 11,681 H 27500 SD Hollywood Kanal Film EuroBird 2 11.681 H 27500 SD Series +4 Film EuroBird 2 11,681 H 27500 SS Serisi 4 Film EuroBird 2 11.681 H 27500 SD Super Movies +1 Film EuroBird 2 11,681 H 27500 SD Süper Film 1 Film Astra 11.720 H 27500 SD Premiere Sport 2 Spor Astra 11,720 H 27500 SD Premiere Sport 2 Spor Astra 11.739 V 27500 SD Game One Genel Astra 11,739 V 27500 SD Game One Genel Astra 11.739 V 27500 SD MTV Müzik Astra 11,739 V 27500 SD MTV Müzik Astra 11.739 V 27500 SD Nickelodeon Çocuk Astra 11,739 V 27500 SD Nickelodeon Çocuk Astra 11.778 V 27500 SD Cartoon N Astra 11,778 V 27500 SD Karikatür N AYNI GÜN KARGO. PAKET İÇERİĞİ: DREAMCİNEMA RS232 BAĞLANTI KABLOSU. çalışma sistemi twinler gibi 53 dereceden veya 21 dereceden data alabiliyor. north star 1.2.63 twin yazılımını 3329c işlemcili yumatu iq plusa atın cihazı rs232 ile bağlayıp. 9339 yapın card share de çıkan north star seçin. izlemeye başlayın . saadece kutu 150 TL civarında. hem cihaz hem çözücü kutu dreamcinema 250 TL Herkese Hayırlı olsun. \~~ |
Bütün Zaman Ayarları WEZ +3 olarak düzenlenmiştir. Şu Anki Saat: 09:01 . |
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