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MacIr 21.11.09 19:37

Mu online GM komutları
Game master commands


Sends "Message" to the screens of all online players (Event Text)

/Move CharacterName MapNumber X Y

Moves that character to the specified map and coordinates.
Can be added as a macro (shortcut text) - sooo annoying lolz :D

0 = Lorencia
1 = Dungeon
Level 2: 233/126
Level 3: 3/85
Bull Room: 119/46
2 = Davias
3 = Noria
4 = Lost Tower
LT1: 208/78
LT3: 86/166
LT5: 130/53
LT7: 8/85
5 = Exile
6 = Arena
7 = Atlans
8 = Tarkan
9 = Devil Square
10 = Icarus
Start: 15/13
Phoenix: 47/205
11 = Blood Castle I
Start: 15/13
End: 15/94
12 = Blood Castle II
13 = Blood Castle III
14 = Blood Castle IV
15 = Blood Castle V
16 = Blood Castle VI

/Trace CharacterName

Warp to the last-recorded coordinates of that character.

/Trans CharacterName

Alternative form of /Trace.

/SetBlock CharacterName

Set a character's ctlCode to 1 in the database if it is 0. (Character Block)

/UnsetBlock CharacterName

If the character's ctlCode is set to 1, set it to 0.

/Disconnect CharacterName

Kick a character from the server.

/DisableChat CharacterName

Muzzles a user (so they cannot speak in text/pm/guild).

/EnableChat CharacterName

Reverses the effect of /DisableChat.

/GuildMove GuildName MapNumber X Y

Moves all members of that guild to the coordinates provided. Moves offline members as well.

/GuildDisconnect GuildName

Kicks all members of that guild from the server.

/GuildWarStop GuildName

Suspends a war between that guild and their opposing guild.

/GuildWarStart GuildName

Resumes a suspended war if one has been stopped previously with /GuildWarStop.

/GuildWarEnd GuildName

Ends any war that guild is currently in.
Outcome is either based on current scores, is a tie, or is counted as
the GM of the specified guild having left the game. Not sure, need to test.

/Make AznItemIndex SlotIndex

Creates the specified item in the specified slot of the GM's inventory.
Korean or Chinese character codes must be used for this to work. Slot Index is
numbered from 0-11 for the equipment slots, and 12 for each inventory square.

0 - Right Hand
1 - Left Hand
2 - Helm
3 - Armor
4 - Pants
5 - Gauntlets
6 - Boots
7 - Wings
8 - Satan/Angel/Horn/Dino
9 - Pendant
10 - Right Ring
11 - Left Ring


Bütün Zaman Ayarları WEZ +3 olarak düzenlenmiştir. Şu Anki Saat: 16:09 .

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