..:: BİLGİ VADİSİ ::..

..:: BİLGİ VADİSİ ::.. (http://www.bilgivadisi.biz/index.php)
-   Klon DM 800 hd (http://www.bilgivadisi.biz/forumdisplay.php?f=910)
-   -   Dreambox 800 hd klon -ferrari-estar-sim 2.01 imajları (Günlük-Güncel) (http://www.bilgivadisi.biz/showthread.php?t=30163)

yergun_002 23.01.11 06:43

Dreambox 800 hd klon -ferrari-estar-sim 2.01 imajları (Günlük-Güncel)

used for:
Internal or external flash of sim201 dreambox with any bootloader

-This patched image has all features of original image and fully functional

Enigma2: 2010-12-07-experimental# DVB-modules 2.6.18-7.4-brcmstb-20101111-r0# Frontprocessor vNone# Secondstage 76d by sim201]

by internet explorer or dreamup
bootloader will upgraded to sim201-ssl76d(no need to upload sim201-ssl76d-already included)


yergun_002 23.01.11 06:45


Plugin :
Google maps
YouTube Player
Isetting Vhannibal
CCcam info 1.3c
Porn Center
SmartCam Italia
Socket mmi(scam info)

CCcam 221
Scam 3.59



Extra Url inside

Tested on Pingtech800

yergun_002 23.01.11 06:46

BKsim201-SSL76d-NewEnigma2 ver 3.1.4


* Enigma2 2.6: 22.01.11
* Enigma2 Plugins 2.6: 22.01.11
* Newnigma2 Plugins: 22.01.11
* driver: 15.12.2010
* secondstage: 76D
* kernel: 2.6.18


* Feature: EPGCacheSelector (choose the file and location of the epg cache file)
* Feature: User can now decide if manual activated infobar should be hidden automatically (settings can be found in system settings)
* Feature: Installer checks now every x hours or on system startup for updates (settings can be found in system settings)
* Feature: Devicemanager internal routines changed from hotplug to udev netlink
* Feature: Now with slovakian translation on feed.
* Feature: Oled now with number of the currently running channel and improved layout
* Feature: Simplified picon installation
* Bugfix: camd menu, camd list wasn't visible sometimes
* Bugfix: systeminfo crashes in some strange cases
* Bugfix: dvd speed settings have not an affect
* Bugfix: dvdhandling improved
* Bugfix: menu -> plugins (german: erweiterungen) now linked to our onlineinstaller
* Bugfix: large file support for FAT32 (now its possible to create partitions and files >1GB)
* Bugfix: dvdbackup .iso image creation
* Update: nl, lt and fr translations updated
* Update: dvdread and dvdnav updated
* Update: satellites.xml by Reinh@rd 15.01.2011
* Update: dosfstools to 3.0.11
* Added: enigma2-plugin-extensions-easymedia to feed
* Added: enigma2-plugin-extensions-fancontrol2 to feed
* Added: enigma2-plugin-extensions-reconstructapsc to feed
* Added: enigma2-plugin-extensions-seekbar to feed
* Removed: dvdburn and depends removed from image (dm8000). Saves 8MB flash

Infos for skinners:

* You don't have to use skindir/newnigma2 folder for icons, they are now integrated. If you want to use your own png's, dont delete this folder in your skin
* extInfoBarSkins.xml is removed. Dont use this file anymore, it is no longer available, but you can activate the ecm info screen still via osd preferences

Isetting vh
Tunisia sat 2.1 addons manager
Youtube player
Key Downloader
Web Interface

CCcam 221
Scam 360

Tuner dvb-t installed:


Tested on Pingtech800

yergun_002 23.01.11 06:47

Newnigma2 v3.1.4

Basics: * Enigma2 2.6: 22.01.11 * Enigma2 Plugins 2.6: 22.01.11 * Newnigma2 Plugins: 22.01.11 * driver: 15.12.2010 * secondstage : ramiMAHER # 76D.

Upload image to server forum dreamoem.com

yergun_002 23.01.11 06:48

Merlin2-Excalibur Images

Enigma2: 20110123Enigma2-Plugins: 20110123Enigma2-Skins: 20110123Kernel: 2.6.18-r8 (Just to build the tun module)boot : ramiMAHER#76D

yergun_002 24.01.11 06:42

w version ramiMAHER-v.3-dm800-2011-1-14 #76D

New additions in this image

1- Merge plugin VTI Panel

There are many functions inside of the image

Is specific to the device

VU+ Duo

But has been modified to work on a Dream

In this new image

When you press the button remot


Will appear

VTI Panel


2- Add New Skins

Skins ramiMAHER.hd

Skins ramiMAHER.hd-2

3 - cccam info added

4 - my tube added


Working on internal and external flash

by ramiMAHER

yergun_002 24.01.11 06:44


Has been modified it to work on Dream on external flash

Has been added Plugins


To track the status of the device and follow-up Emu ccam and there inside of emu

All you have to just place a file and then chose to subscribe to the appropriate emu

Note the image works only on the external flash

by ramiMAHER

yergun_002 28.01.11 20:54


Enigma2: 2011-1-28
Enigma2-Plugins:+ gemini3 wizard 2011-1-28
Enigma2-Skins:ramiMAHER..b3.hd 2011-1-28
emu:ccam 2.2.1
Kernel: 2.6.18-r7
Driver: 2010-12-15
boot :sim2 76D ramiMAHER

name : root

passw : 54005400


Branch will be re-image just minutes

by ramiMAHER

yergun_002 28.01.11 20:58

Newnigma2 v3.1.4

Basics: * Enigma2 2.6: 22.01.11 * Enigma2 Plugins 2.6: 22.01.11 * Newnigma2 Plugins: 22.01.11 * driver: 15.12.2010 * secondstage : ramiMAHER # 76D.

Upload image to server forum dreamoem.com

yergun_002 28.01.11 21:00

Merlin2-Excalibur Images

Enigma2: 20110123Enigma2-Plugins: 20110123Enigma2-Skins: 20110123Kernel: 2.6.18-r8 (Just to build the tun module)boot : ramiMAHER#76D

yergun_002 28.01.11 21:02

SIFTeam E2 eXtreme edition r185 dm800 #76D

LUTFİ 1 28.01.11 21:10

emeğine sağlık usta

yergun_002 06.02.11 08:08

iCVS Image vom 04.02.2011 #76D ramiMAHER

Version details:
Enigma2 from 04.02.2011
Plugins from 04.02.2011
Skins from 04.02.2011
Drivers from 15.12.2010 (DM500hd, DM800, DM800se, DM8000)
Drivers from 08.12.2010(DM7025)

Experimental / own update feed

Extras / included changes:
- Gemini plugin reade (GeminiWizard already included)
- switch ON/OFF EPG-Progress in %, adjoustable in the customization menu
- PipZap by @ ritzMo
- Set space between channelname and EPG info, adjoustable in the customization menu
- Picture-rotation if exif tag available, adjoustable in the customization menu
- pipZap and VirtualZap plugin.py adapted. (no crash anymore)
- dcccamd removed from the image
- own iCVS bootlogos by yvessun
- Support for Smargo usb Cardreader FTDI_SIO and PL203
- CrossEPG Release rev. 242
- Spinner fix (bootlogo)
- Startvolume set down to 30%
- Expert mode as standard in the customization menu
- Adapted view in screen HelpMenuList
- GraphMultiEPG incl. Picons
- GraphMultiEPG colored
- Adapted view in screen PluginList
- iCVS adapted Keymapxml
- Adapted view in screen Pictureplayer
- Adapted view in screen Serviceinfo
- Adapted view in screen Movielist
- Adapted view in screen ClockToText
- Change of Yes/No in the startwizard at the child safety pin question
- MHW EPG activated

- sambaserver removed from the image
- Ready for Karatelight from @mamba0815 and LowFat from @gutemine
- DVD Burn removed from 8K image, can/should be installed over the feed.
- rt2570 and rt3070 WLAN drivers added to the feed
- IPv6 and CPU FREQ Kerneladaptions
- listbox_fix by @adenin
- on/off bouquet + button (direct access to the bouquet with +, selectable in menu -> customize

Further Informations:
There are no Cams, Cam Configs, Settings,... availabe on the feed.
This image can be used as a base for the Gemini plugin.

Although can be installed userscript, if you don't want to use the Gemini plugin.

Enigma2 Changelog:
****> Changelog E2 <<<

yergun_002 06.02.11 08:10


-Gemini3 blue panel already installed
-essential72 skin
-working,fixed webinterface
Added plugins:
-GeminiTunisiasat addons manager 3.0 added to blue panel
-Gemini3-Liverfootball added to blue panel
-Gemini3-Netradioclassic 2.4

drivers and ssl:

Drivers from 15.12.2010
ssl ssl76d mfaraj57

cams download and installation from Blue panel-TunisiasSataddons manager-gemini3-cams
Tuner not confugered,no channels and no cams installed
size:42 mb

more info

yergun_002 06.02.11 08:13

Merlin-2-Excalibur-OE-1-6-dm800-2011-2-5 #76D ramiMAHER

Enigma2: 20110206Enigma2-Plugins: 20110206Enigma2-Skins: 20110206Siehe auch: -> Enigma2/Plugins und OEMerlin2:+ spinner selectorAktuelle Komplettimages sind im ersten Post verlinkt.Im Image vorhanden: ab 05.02.2011Neu: Spinner SelectionEinstellungen --> Merlin --> Spinner Selection --> Auswahl eines neuen Spinner... Die Vorschau wird animiert dargestellt, damit ihr seht, was Euch erwartet.Wenn Ihr einen neuen Spinner ausgewählt habt, bleibt dieser natürlich auch nach einem Update bestehen. Falls das Medium, worauf Euer Spinner installiert ist, nicht gefunden wird beim Enigma2 Start, wird der Standard-Spinner verwendet.ACHTUNG!Da das 7025 Image mit Stand von heute nicht lauffähig ist, haben wir es vom Feed genommen.Bitte bei der 7025, bis auf weiteres kein Update durchführen.


yergun_002 07.02.11 06:47

ari-SSL78F-imageiCVS-dm800-by riyad66
backup last ICVS-dm800
NEW bootlogo Of preparatory

ADD EMU CCcam2.2.1
ADD EMUMgCamd1.35a
ADD CCcam I nfo v1.3c

Download: Quote:

yergun_002 07.02.11 22:15

Added driver smartreader "smargo" by default and in usbloader list
Plugin :
TunisiaSat Addon Manager 3.0
YouTube Player
Isetting Vhannibal
CCcam info 1.3c
Porn Center
Gp2 Flash Bk for sim201
Dg interactive Plugin
SvDownloader 2.0 ------More Info:
This plugin allows to download the settings Vhannibal or Cyrus without erasing your category DVB-T.

CCcam 221
Scam 3.59

Card Server
Oscam for 93b


Vh dual 5-2-11


Extra Url inside

Tested on Pingtech800 with card reader mod

yergun_002 14.02.11 07:03


Update 08.02.2011- Power-Board-Center- neues update System- neues cam-Management- one-key HD Skin thx to ravadi- backup-Manager, addon-Management, spaceviewer, crypt-Anzeige, ... uvm.

yergun_002 14.02.11 07:05

Exclusive image Has been modified BlackHole-1-4-5-bm750

Has been modified it to work on Dream on external flash

Has been added to emu ccam

Note the image works only on the external flash

by ramiMAHER

yergun_002 16.02.11 06:21

EDG-Nemesis 2.1 HD #76D ramiMAHER

yergun_002 19.02.11 07:43

Originally Posted by aguda
Newnigma2 v3.1.4

Basics: * Enigma2 2.6: 22.01.11 * Enigma2 Plugins 2.6: 22.01.11 * Newnigma2 Plugins: 22.01.11 * driver: 15.12.2010 * secondstage : ramiMAHER # 76D.

Upload image to server forum dreamoem.com

yergun_002 19.02.11 22:31

Exclusive new Driver and new image ramiMAHER-v-5-dm800-2011-2-19- #76D



Enigma2: 2011-2-19

Enigma2-Plugins:+ gemini3 wizard 2011-2-19

Enigma2-Skins: new ramiMAHER..b8.hd 2011-2-19

emu:ccam 2.2.1


Plugins:VTIPanel ramiMAHER

kernel: 2.6.18

Driver: 2011-2-15 ramiMAHER

boot :sim2 76D ramiMAHER

This is the first image bearing new Driver: 2011-2-15

Server cam Works

new bootlogo

by ramiMAHER


yergun_002 20.02.11 08:10

OoZooN-Image-dm800-2011-2-19 #76D ramiMAHER

# Enigma is of 19.02.2011# the plugins are of 19.02.2011# the drivers are of 15.02.2011 ramiMAHER# new kernel 2.6.18-r10.0# secondstage is 76D# changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE
by ramiMAHER


yergun_002 20.02.11 08:12

Newnigma2 v3.1.5-ramiMAHER #76D

Enigma2 2.6: 19.02.2011Enigma2 Plugins 2.6: 19.02.2011Newnigma2 Plugins: 19.02.2011DM 8000 HD PVR driver: 15.02.2011 ramiMAHERsecondstage: 76D ramiMAHERkernel: 2.6.18


sansar 20.02.11 19:54

ramiMAHER-v-5-dm800-SSL81-2011-2-19-by muzoss

Enigma2: 2011-2-19

Enigma2-Plugins:+ gemini3 wizard 2011-2-19

Enigma2-Skins: new ramiMAHER..b8.hd 2011-2-19

emu:ccam 2.2.1


Plugins:VTIPanel ramiMAHER

kernel: 2.6.18 orginal dm800

Driver: 2011-2-15 orginal dm800

boot :ssl 81 r0

This is the first image bearing new Driver: 2011-2-15

Server cam Works

new bootlogo

Note: works only on original DM800, SSL 81 flash and USB


LUTFİ 1 20.02.11 20:02

emeğinize sağlık ustalar

atliahmet 20.02.11 20:20


yergun_002 21.02.11 18:46


Has been modified Images

To work without problems

Was run videos play

Best image is installed on the flash procedure to run the rest of the corrected image on the external flash without problems

This is a better image on the internal flash

Other images will be modified to run on videos play

Will surely put this image at the site of Ferrari after the amendment and is placed under the name of the Ferrari team They say it is one of their amendments

I say to all the best sim Is sim2 olny

Enigma2: 20110221Enigma2-Plugins: 20110221Enigma2-Skins: 20110221Driver: 20110215 ramiMAHERKernel: 2.6.18-r10.1 Secondstage: 76D ramiMAHER

by ramiMAHER


yergun_002 22.02.11 21:35

I conduct a simple modification to the original image


Rami Maher..

- did not add bots

-Is valid for 2.0.1 and Sim Sim Ferrari

The income of

I tried on two handsome Ferrari is working very well

-Add bot only 76 d or 78 Ferrari directly

After the passage is

Enigma2: 20110221
Enigma2-Plugins: 20110221
Enigma2-Skins: 20110221
Driver: 20110215 ramiMAHER
Kernel: 2.6.18-r10.1
Secondstage: 81

thx to rami for ptchd Dreevr

yergun_002 22.02.11 21:36

MHD CLUB DAY-of-the-Victory SSL76

LUTFİ 1 22.02.11 21:44

emeğine sağlık usta..

yergun_002 23.02.11 16:57

OE git repo opendreambox-1.6 of: 11-02-2011
• Enigma git repo Experimental of: 15-02-2011
• Enigma2-Plugins git repo of: 14-02-2011
• Linux version 2.6.18-7.4-r9.0
• Web Interface: 1.6.6
• Busybox 1.15.3-r24.6
• Date image 15-02-2011 svn 066
• Bitbake 1.8-dream
• Secondstage SSL78F
• Drivers date 20101215

Function keys:
• BLUE - Panel EDG-Nemesis
• BLUE> 1s Extensions
• 2x BLUE - Addons
• Yellow - Timeshift
• YELLOW> 1s Plugin
• GREEN-EPG Control Center
• GREEN> 1s subservices
• RED - Record Menu

Main features:
• Panel EDG-Nemesis 2.1
• No reboot after installing the enigma settings from Blue Panel
• Reduced reboots after installation of enigma Blue Panel
• New ADDONS Management (the old Repository will be stopped)
• Skin Based on HD-Glass 15 by shamann
• Shortcut for Package Manager IPK on Blue Panel (Blue->Blue)
• Shortcut for Software Update on Blue Panel (Blue->Blue)
• Shortcut for Extansions Manager on Blue Panel (Blue->Blue)
• Shortcut for Network Browsing on Blue Panel (Blue->Red)
• Improvement/Fixed Extansions Manager
• Improvement/Fixed Software Update
• Improvement/Fixed OPKG Package Manager
• Manage Panel for OPKG Package Manager
• Fade Management for InfoBar (On Show, On Hide, On Zap)
• Full support for e2_loadepg
• Support for your own scripts
• Manage Start / Stop Services
• Manage Start / Stop Services on boot
• Manage kernel modules
• New Information System
• Separate Management Third Party Programs
• Support for a private server addons
• Picon support for OSD channel name or reference
• Mode Vision LCD
• Support for swap files
• Support for EZ-Inadyn IpUpdate
• Support Proxy
• Support OpenVPN
• Replaced with OpenSSH Dropbear
• Support for SFTP
• Support for readers Smargo
• Support for readers Omnikey
• Support for USB WiFi
• Samba server, Samba client, NFS Server
• Running Linux commands
• Choice InputBox (default) or VirtulaKeyBoard (experimental), for EPG Search and Run Command
• Fixed Mediaset EPG
• EPG black list, excluding channel MHW epg (see / etc/enigma2/epg.blacklist)
• Support for DVD writer external
• Support for mkv files
• Support for formatting USB Device
• Support for most of the pens DVB/T USB on the market
• New Management Panel to Manage/Install DVB/T USB Drivers

***** NOTE *****
For upgrade EDG firmware to svn 071 from box menu
first make Feed-Repo update
blue - blue - Download Addons- e2Update-Feed-Repo
and then FW update

otherwise you will get svn 069 date image 17-02-2011
and you will have to make one more update again, but its still working way.

yergun_002 27.02.11 10:41

Smiley has been modified to work Dream Simulated

sim2 76D ramiMAHER

Works videos play

Works Web Interface

OE git repo opendreambox-1.6 of: 11-02-2011• Enigma git repo Experimental of: 23-02-2011• Enigma2-Plugins git repo of: 14-02-2011• Linux version 2.6.18-7.4-r9.0 (r9.1 for DM800)• Web Interface: 1.6.6• Busybox 1.15.3-r24.6• Date image SVN(073), 25-2-2011• Bitbake 1.8-dream• Secondstage #76D ramiMAHER • Drivers 2011-15-2 ramiMAHER

by ramiMAHER

yergun_002 27.02.11 21:27

PERSIAN PRINCE-dm800_20110226.SS78Fbackup.riyad66
PERSIAN PRINCE-dm800_20110226.backup.riyad66.nfi

Converter By
Unleash Official 1.4 For DreamBox HD By Persian Prince (OE 1.6)

@Big thanks TO artman_hacker


Gemini3 WIZARD FROME MENU -plugin

INSTAL tunisiasat-addons-manager_3.0 skin /cam/extensions for GP 3

Tested Internal and external flash Ferrari Theme

yergun_002 03.03.11 16:30

newenigma2 v3.14 back up sim76D


Hi here is a backup image for new enigma2 v 3.14


* Enigma2 2.6: 22.01.11
* Enigma2 Plugins 2.6: 22.01.11
* Newnigma2 Plugins: 22.01.11
* driver: 15.12.2010
* secondstage: 76D
* kernel: 2.6.18

All default plugins plus
Tunisia sat addon manager
Epg search
Epg import
Cross epg
Flashbackup for sim 76D
CCam info
Emu Ccam 2.14
skin LT6 HD
hotbird picons in flash
Hannibal setting E2 HD motor march
Enjoy it

makinist 04.03.11 17:09

Paylaşım için teşekkürler yusuf abim.

Akinci 04.03.11 17:45

emeğinize sağlık ustalar

yergun_002 04.03.11 18:26





* Enigma2 2.6: 03.03.2011
* Enigma2 Plugins 2.6: 03.03.2011
* Newnigma2 Plugins: 03.03.2011


* Driver: 20110215 ramiMAHER
* secondstage: 78F
* kernel: 2.6.18


* configsaver: fix crash on SD skins
* webradio: fix shoutcast search
* bitrateviewer: new version
* ecamdctrl: bugfix
* DMConcinnity-HD: change picon_default.png
* Kerni-HD1R2: some bugfixe


* configsaver: fix crash on SD skins
* webradio: fix shoutcast suche
* bitrateviewer: neue Version
* ecamdctrl: bugfix
* DMConcinnity-HD: neues picon_default.png
* Kerni-HD1R2: einige bugfixe

Multiboot: No support for multiboot.
Not planned. No need for such a tool.

G3wizard: No support for g3wizard.
Probably not running. Not needed in Newnigma2 enviroment.

Onlineupdate from v3.1(.x) is possible.

Ein Update von v3.1(.x) ist per Softwareverwaltung möglich.

Hinweis: Sollte es beim Update zu Problemen kommen und beim Neustart Error im Display stehen dann muss der SecondStage mit Dreamup neu geflasht werden.

Notice: If u have problems after update and the display shows "Error", then u have to flash the SecondStage with dreamup.



yergun_002 05.03.11 07:25

Exclusive new Driver newnigma2-release-dm800-v3-1-6 #76D ramiMAHER

Was run

1- Video play

2- accept additions installed through tools via the dcc2

3- webinterface

4- Patched driver dreambox-dvb-modules_2.6.18-7.4-dm800 2011-3-2

by ramiMAHER



yergun_002 06.03.11 07:48


Was run

1- Video play

2- accept additions installed through tools via the dcc2

3- webinterface

4- Patched driver ramiMAHER dreambox-dvb-modules_2.6.18-7.4-dm800 2011-3-2

Enigma2: 2011,3-5Enigma2-plugin: 2011,3-5Enigma2-skins: 2011,3-5Driver: 20110302 (ramiMAHER)Second: 76D (ramiMAHER)

by ramiMAHER


Bütün Zaman Ayarları WEZ +3 olarak düzenlenmiştir. Şu Anki Saat: 18:36 .

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