![]() |
DigiTV (1°W) 14.06.2010
ident 2111 [Nagra2] DigiTV (1°W) Key 00: 61 5F 01 C0 58 EE 8A B1 3D E8 CA CC A4 89 D4 67 Key 00 in HEX: 615F01C058EE8AB13DE8CACCA489D467 Key 00 in DEC: 097 095 001 192 088 238 138 177 061 232 202 204 164 137 212 103 |
DigiTV (1°W) 14.06.2010
ident 2111 [Nagra2] DigiTV (1°W) Key 00: 61 5F 01 C0 58 EE 8A B1 3D E8 CA CC A4 89 D4 67 Key 00 in HEX: 615F01C058EE8AB13DE8CACCA489D4 67 Key 00 in DEC: 097 095 001 192 088 238 138 177 061 232 202 204 164 137 212 103 For camd3.keys (camd3.keys): 1801:002111:0000000000:00:615F 01C058EE8AB13DE8CACCA489D467 ; IDEA 86 For CCcam/MGcamd/incubusCamd (SoftCam.Key) and EVOcamd (keylist.txt): N 2111 00 615F01C058EE8AB13DE8CACCA489D4 67 ; IDEA 86 For Newcamd (keylist): 1801:000000:211100::61 5F 01 C0 58 EE 8A B1 3D E8 CA CC A4 89 D4 67 ; IDEA 86 For GBox (nagra): I: { 21 11 00 { 61 5F 01 C0 58 EE 8A B1 3D E8 CA CC A4 89 D4 67 }} # IDEA 86 scam (nagra2): N: { 2111 00000000 06 08 10 { 615F01C058EE8AB13DE8CACCA489D4 67 }} For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key) N 2111 00 615F01C058EE8AB13DE8CACCA489D4 67 ;DigiTV (1°W) CAM Module HEX Key 00-0: 61 5F 01 C0 58 EE 8A B1 00-1: 3D E8 CA CC A4 89 D4 67 CAM Module DEC Key 00-0: 097 095 001 192 088 238 138 177 00-1: 061 232 202 204 164 137 212 103 Humax 00: 61 5F 01 C0 58 EE 8A B1 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 10) 01: 3D E8 CA CC A4 89 D4 67 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 11) Neotion 04: 61 5F 01 C0 58 EE 8A B1 05: 3D E8 CA CC A4 89 D4 67 |
DigiTV (1°W) 16.06.2010
ident 2111 [Nagra2] DigiTV (1°W) Key 01: 73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA Key 01 in HEX: 739B85A6E9DBBF55E9DFCA435092F8CA Key 01 in DEC: 115 155 133 166 233 219 191 085 233 223 202 067 080 146 248 202 For camd3.keys (camd3.keys): 1801:002111:0000000000:01:739B85A6E9DBBF55E9DFCA43 5092F8CA ; IDEA 96 For CCcam/MGcamd/incubusCamd (SoftCam.Key) and EVOcamd (keylist.txt): N 2111 01 739B85A6E9DBBF55E9DFCA435092F8CA ; IDEA 96 For Newcamd (keylist): 1801:000000:211101::73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA ; IDEA 96 For GBox (nagra): I: { 21 11 01 { 73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA }} # IDEA 96 scam (nagra2): N: { 2111 00000000 46 08 10 { 739B85A6E9DBBF55E9DFCA435092F8CA }} For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key) N 2111 01 739B85A6E9DBBF55E9DFCA435092F8CA ;DigiTV (1°W) CAM Module HEX Key 01-0: 73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 01-1: E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA CAM Module DEC Key 01-0: 115 155 133 166 233 219 191 085 01-1: 233 223 202 067 080 146 248 202 Humax 02: 73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 20) 03: E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 21) Neotion 06: 73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 07: E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA |
DigiTV (1°W) 24.06.2010
ident 2111 [Nagra2] DigiTV (1°W) Key 00: 88 38 AE 11 55 3F FC 95 7E 3A 61 70 F1 D2 2E DA Key 00 in HEX: 8838AE11553FFC957E3A6170F1D22EDA Key 00 in DEC: 136 056 174 017 085 063 252 149 126 058 097 112 241 210 046 218 |
DigiTV (1°W) 24.06.2010
ident 2111 [Nagra2] DigiTV (1°W) Key 00: 88 38 AE 11 55 3F FC 95 7E 3A 61 70 F1 D2 2E DA Key 00 in HEX: 8838AE11553FFC957E3A6170F1D22EDA Key 00 in DEC: 136 056 174 017 085 063 252 149 126 058 097 112 241 210 046 218 For camd3.keys (camd3.keys): 1801:002111:0000000000:00:8838AE11553FFC957E3A6170 F1D22EDA ; IDEA 86 For CCcam/MGcamd/incubusCamd (SoftCam.Key) and EVOcamd (keylist.txt): N 2111 00 8838AE11553FFC957E3A6170F1D22EDA ; IDEA 86 For Newcamd (keylist): 1801:000000:211100::88 38 AE 11 55 3F FC 95 7E 3A 61 70 F1 D2 2E DA ; IDEA 86 For GBox (nagra): I: { 21 11 00 { 88 38 AE 11 55 3F FC 95 7E 3A 61 70 F1 D2 2E DA }} # IDEA 86 scam (nagra2): N: { 2111 00000000 06 08 10 { 8838AE11553FFC957E3A6170F1D22EDA }} For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key) N 2111 00 8838AE11553FFC957E3A6170F1D22EDA ;DigiTV (1°W) CAM Module HEX Key 00-0: 88 38 AE 11 55 3F FC 95 00-1: 7E 3A 61 70 F1 D2 2E DA CAM Module DEC Key 00-0: 136 056 174 017 085 063 252 149 00-1: 126 058 097 112 241 210 046 218 Humax 00: 88 38 AE 11 55 3F FC 95 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 10) 01: 7E 3A 61 70 F1 D2 2E DA (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 11) Neotion 04: 88 38 AE 11 55 3F FC 95 05: 7E 3A 61 70 F1 D2 2E DA |
DigiTV (1°W) 28.06.2010
DigiTV @ Intelsat 10-02 1W For Dreambox, Humax and others - ident 2111 For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident 2011 28/06/2010 DigiTV *** 01: 57 E8 18 C3 C1 CF 24 2D AC 9E A0 B3 85 A5 96 D9 HEX: 57E818C3C1CF242DAC9EA0B385A596D9 DEC: 087 232 024 195 193 207 036 045 172 158 160 179 133 165 150 217 for CAM module: HEX *** 01-0: 57 E8 18 C3 C1 CF 24 2D DEC *** 01-0: 087 232 024 195 193 207 036 045 HEX *** 01-1: AC 9E A0 B3 85 A5 96 D9 DEC *** 01-1: 172 158 160 179 133 165 150 217 for HUMAX reciever: 02: 57 E8 18 C3 C1 CF 24 2D (TM line 20) 03: AC 9E A0 B3 85 A5 96 D9 (TM line 21) for "SoftCam.***" and "Keylist.txt" file: N 2111 01 57E818C3C1CF242DAC9EA0B385A596D9 ;DigiTV IDEA ECM 96 (28/06/2010) for "camd3.****" file: 1801:002111:0000000000:01:57E818C3C1CF242DAC9EA0B3 85A596D9 DigiTV IDEA ECM 96 (28/06/2010) for "nagra" file: I: { 21 11 01 { 57 E8 18 C3 C1 CF 24 2D AC 9E A0 B3 85 A5 96 D9 }} DigiTV IDEA ECM 96 (28/06/2010) for "keylist" file: 1801:000000:211101::57 E8 18 C3 C1 CF 24 2D AC 9E A0 B3 85 A5 96 D9 DigiTV IDEA ECM 96 (28/06/2010) |
emeğine sağlık teşekkürler
DigiTV (1°W) 29.06.2010
ident 2111 [Nagra2] DigiTV (1°W) *** 00: D0 89 6C 86 BD E5 46 59 61 F9 30 2C 7E 2E 3D CD *** 00 in HEX: D0896C86BDE5465961F9302C7E2E3DCD *** 00 in DEC: 208 137 108 134 189 229 070 089 097 249 048 044 126 046 061 205 For camd3.**** (camd3.****): 1801:002111:0000000000:00:D0896C86BDE5465961F9302C 7E2E3DCD ; IDEA 86 For CCcam/MGcamd/incubusCamd (SoftCam.***) and EVOcamd (keylist.txt): N 2111 00 D0896C86BDE5465961F9302C7E2E3DCD ; IDEA 86 For Newcamd (keylist): 1801:000000:211100::D0 89 6C 86 BD E5 46 59 61 F9 30 2C 7E 2E 3D CD ; IDEA 86 For GBox (nagra): I: { 21 11 00 { D0 89 6C 86 BD E5 46 59 61 F9 30 2C 7E 2E 3D CD }} # IDEA 86 scam (nagra2): N: { 2111 00000000 06 08 10 { D0896C86BDE5465961F9302C7E2E3DCD }} For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.***) N 2111 00 D0896C86BDE5465961F9302C7E2E3DCD ;DigiTV (1°W) CAM Module HEX *** 00-0: D0 89 6C 86 BD E5 46 59 00-1: 61 F9 30 2C 7E 2E 3D CD CAM Module DEC *** 00-0: 208 137 108 134 189 229 070 089 00-1: 097 249 048 044 126 046 061 205 Humax 00: D0 89 6C 86 BD E5 46 59 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 10) 01: 61 F9 30 2C 7E 2E 3D CD (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 11) Neotion 04: D0 89 6C 86 BD E5 46 59 05: 61 F9 30 2C 7E 2E 3D CD |
DigiTV (1°W) 03.07.2010
ident 2111 [Nagra2] DigiTV (1°W) Key 01: B1 89 49 4C AE 03 87 B8 F9 6F D1 33 F8 CD A2 83 Key 01 in HEX: B189494CAE0387B8F96FD133F8CDA283 Key 01 in DEC: 177 137 073 076 174 003 135 184 249 111 209 051 248 205 162 131 |
DigiTV @ Intelsat 10-02 1W
For Dreambox, Humax and others - ident 2111 For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident 2011 03/07/2010 DigiTV KEY 00: 41 75 1D 48 BB 6E E7 92 25 EC D1 BE 8D 77 B0 C0 HEX: 41751D48BB6EE79225ECD1BE8D77B0C0 DEC: 065 117 029 072 187 110 231 146 037 236 209 190 141 119 176 192 |
Bütün Zaman Ayarları WEZ +3 olarak düzenlenmiştir. Şu Anki Saat: 11:45 . |
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