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köroğlu 25.06.10 00:01

TV Globo International (13,0°E) 24.06.2010
ident C102 [Nagra2]

TV Globo International (13,0°E) Key 01: BD DA 61 1C 39 72 53 34 4A C3 8C 6E 7C 9A A7 0A

Key 01 in HEX: BDDA611C397253344AC38C6E7C9AA70A
Key 01 in DEC: 189 218 097 028 057 114 083 052 074 195 140 110 124 154 167 010

köroğlu 07.07.10 18:42

TV Globo International (13,0°E) 07.07.2010
ident C102 [Nagra2]

TV Globo International (13,0°E) Key 01: 4B 8E DA 36 4C 2C 25 81 C0 58 62 48 BE 74 8D 35

Key 01 in HEX: 4B8EDA364C2C2581C0586248BE748D35
Key 01 in DEC: 075 142 218 054 076 044 037 129 192 088 098 072 190 116 141 053

mersedez35 09.07.10 19:19

TV Globo International (13,0°E) 09.07.2010
ident C102 [Nagra2]

TV Globo International (13,0°E) Key 00: 05 D1 92 6E E6 EF 2D FD 75 3D 15 55 7D FD 96 52

Key 00 in HEX: 05D1926EE6EF2DFD753D15557DFD9652
Key 00 in DEC: 005 209 146 110 230 239 045 253 117 061 021 085 125 253 150 082

For camd3.keys (camd3.keys):
1801:00C102:0000000000:00:05D1926EE6EF2DFD753D1555 7DFD9652 ; IDEA 86

For CCcam/MGcamd/incubusCamd (SoftCam.Key) and EVOcamd (keylist.txt):
N C102 00 05D1926EE6EF2DFD753D15557DFD9652 ; IDEA 86

For Newcamd (keylist):
1801:000000:C10200::05 D1 92 6E E6 EF 2D FD 75 3D 15 55 7D FD 96 52 ; IDEA 86

For GBox (nagra):
I: { C1 02 00 { 05 D1 92 6E E6 EF 2D FD 75 3D 15 55 7D FD 96 52 }} # IDEA 86

scam (nagra2):
N: { C102 00000000 06 08 10 { 05D1926EE6EF2DFD753D15557DFD9652 }}

For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key)
N C102 00 05D1926EE6EF2DFD753D15557DFD9652 ;TV Globo International (13,0°E)

CAM Module HEX Key
00-0: 05 D1 92 6E E6 EF 2D FD
00-1: 75 3D 15 55 7D FD 96 52

CAM Module DEC Key
00-0: 005 209 146 110 230 239 045 253
00-1: 117 061 021 085 125 253 150 082

00: 05 D1 92 6E E6 EF 2D FD (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 10)
01: 75 3D 15 55 7D FD 96 52 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 11)

04: 05 D1 92 6E E6 EF 2D FD
05: 75 3D 15 55 7D FD 96 52

köroğlu 13.07.10 23:41

TV Globo International (13,0°E) 13.07.2010
ident C102 [Nagra2]

TV Globo International (13,0°E) Key 01: 9E 9E AD 98 ED 3A 26 17 B2 17 EA A2 F1 2C 00 2F

Key 01 in HEX: 9E9EAD98ED3A2617B217EAA2F12C002F
Key 01 in DEC: 158 158 173 152 237 058 038 023 178 023 234 162 241 044 000 047

köroğlu 23.07.10 23:52

TV Globo Internacional @ HotBird 13,0E

For Dreambox, Humax and others - ident C102
For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident C002

23/07/2010 TV Globo Internacional
KEY 00: E5 9E 0D 10 ED 08 9B E4 EE E8 40 A0 57 17 48 2B

HEX: E59E0D10ED089BE4EEE840A05717482B
DEC: 229 158 013 016 237 008 155 228 238 232 064 160 087 023 072 043

köroğlu 03.08.10 23:50

TV Globo International (13,0°E) 03.08.2010
ident C102 [Nagra2]
TV Globo International (13,0°E) Key 01: 77 71 92 3A D0 E6 51 56 AC 74 0F 36 BB 0A 70 1A

Key 01 in HEX: 7771923AD0E65156AC740F36BB0A70 1A

Key 01 in DEC: 119 113 146 058 208 230 081 086 172 116 015 054 187 010 112 026

köroğlu 18.08.10 19:17

TV Globo International (13,0°E) 18.08.2010
ident C102 [Nagra2]

TV Globo International (13,0°E) Key 00: 5B CE 65 62 5F A4 ED 50 95 94 CE 7C 4B 90 7E CB

Key 00 in HEX: 5BCE65625FA4ED509594CE7C4B907ECB
Key 00 in DEC: 091 206 101 098 095 164 237 080 149 148 206 124 075 144 126 203

Bütün Zaman Ayarları WEZ +3 olarak düzenlenmiştir. Şu Anki Saat: 01:39 .

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