19.12.10, 06:39 | #1 |
OoZooN Image E² "3.0.3 release" OE 1.6
OoZooN Image E² "3.0.3 release" OE 1.6
Code: 18.12.2010 # here comes my latest dm800 Image from Enigma² "release 3.0" OE 1.6 branch.# Enigma is of 16.12.2010# the plugins are of 13.12.2010# the drivers are of 15.12.2010# new kernel 2.6.18-r7.0# secondstage is 76# changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE# my changes at oe:# own bootlogo's, artwork by clumsy and BVB01# with satellites.xml - enigma² by Reinh@rd# changes of dccamd start# dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download# (*) included# (**) only via plugin-download available# systemplugins:# automatictimerlistcleanup (**)# automaticvolumeadjustment (**)# autoresolution (**)# cleanupwizard (**)# crashlogautosubmit (**)# crossepg (**)# defaultservicesscanner (**)# diseqctester (**)# dvbtime (**)# hotplug (*)# ledmanager (**)# networkbrowser (*)# networkwizard (*)# positionersetup (*)# satelliteequipmentcontrol (**)# satfinder (*)# setpasswd (**)# skinselector (*)# softwaremanager (*)# startupservice (**)# videoenhancement (**)# videomode (*)# videotune (*)# wirelesslan (**)# plugins:# aihdcontroller (**)# ambx (**)# antiscrollbar (**)# appletrailer (**)# audiosync (*)# autotimer (**)# autotimeshift (**)# b00k (**)# babelzapper (**)# barryallen (**)# bartallen (**)# blockcontent (**)# bonjour (**)# buliticker (**)# bwmon (**)# captain-shell (**)# cdinfo (**)# cooltvguide (**)# covermanager (**)# cronmanager (**)# cutlisteditor (**)# cvsnews (**)# dccamd (**)# dflash (*)# djmount (**)# dmvidsdirect (**)# dreamexplorer (**)# dreamirc (**)# dvdbackup (**)# dvdburn (**)# dvdcontroller (**)# dvdplayer (**)# dyndns (**)# easymedia (**)# emailclient (**)# epgrefresh (*)# epgsearch (**)# extendedserviceinfo (**)# fantastic (**)# filebrowser (**)# flashcheck (**)# freeze (**)# fritzcall (**)# ftpbrowser (**)# genuinedreambox (*)# googlemaps (**)# gp2flashbackup (**)# graphmultiepg (*)# growlee (**)# hddtemp (**)# hdmon (**)# housekeeping (**)# httpproxy (**)# imdb (*)# iprec (**)# kiddytimer (**)# lastfm (*)# lcdskin (**)# ledctl (**)# letterbox (**)# livescore (**)# logomanager (**)# lottoextended (**)# lottozahlen (**)# mediacenter (**)# mediadownloader (**)# mediaplayer (*)# mediascanner (*)# merlinepg (**)# merlinepgsearch (**)# merlinmusicplayer (*)# metacafedirect (*)# meteoitalia (**)# modem (*)# mosaic (**)# mountie (**)# mountie-light (**)# moviecut (*)# moviejukebox (**)# movielistpreview (**)# movieplayer (**)# movieretitle (*)# movieselectionquickbutton (**)# movie-splitter (**)# movietagger (*)# multquickbutton (**)# multirc (**)# mytube (**)# netcaster (**)# nfsserver (*)# ofdb (*)# off (**)# openpanel (**)# orfat (**)# orfteletext (**)# partnerbox (**)# passwordchanger (**)# pauli (**)# permanentclock (**)# permanentrecording (**)# permanenttimeshift (**)# pictureplayer (*)# pluginlist (**)# podcast (**)# puremp3player (**)# pzyemail (**)# quickbutton (**)# quicktv (**)# reconstructapsc (**)# remotetimer (**)# remotetv (**)# rsdownloader (**)# sambaserver (*)# screensaver (**)# secondinfobar (**)# seekbar (**)# sherlock (**)# shoutcast (*)# simplerss (**)# smargo (**)# socketmmi (**)# spinnerselektor (**)# sportinfos (**)# startuptostandby (**)# suduko (**)# suomipoeka (**)# swapscript (**)# tageditor (*)# timeshiftsave (**)# timeupdate (**)# trafficinfo (**)# translator (**)# tuxcom (**)# tuxcom (**)# tversity (**)# unwetterinfo (**)# updatecheck (*)# upnp (**)# userscripts (*)# ushare (**)# valixdcontrol (**)# virtualzap (**)# vlcplayer (**)# wallywest (**)# wetherplugin (**)# wethersat (**)# webbrowser (**)# webcamviewer (**)# webinterface (*)# webradiofs (**)# werbezapper (**)# xmltvimport (**)# youtubeplayer (**)# zaphistorybrowser (**)# zapstatistic (**)# zdfmediathek (**)# Skins:# basic hd (**)# blackbox (**)# blueline (**)# blueline.extended (**)# blueline.single (**)# brushed alu hd (**)# chromeline (**)# chromeline.cobolt (**)# dmconcinnity-hd (**)# dmm-hd (**)# dreammm-hd (**)# dreamtv-hd (**)# dtv-hd (**)# dtv-hd-reloaded (**)# elgato-hd (**)# flatline (**)# flatline.blue (**)# glassline (**)# greenline (**)# greenline.extended (**)# greenline.single (**)# greyline (**)# greyline.extended (**)# greyline.single (**)# kerni-hd1 (**)# kerni-hd1r2 (**)# lt6-hd (**)# shadowline (**)# simple (**)# swain (**)# swain.hd (*)# ultraviolet (**)# vali.hd (**)# vali.hd.nano (**)# vali.hd.warp (**)# vali.xd (**)# yads.hd (**)# picon 01.0e 3d hd (**)# picon 04.0e 3d (**)# picon 04.8e 3d hd (**)# picon 07.0e 3d (**)# picon 07.0e 3d hd (**)# picon 09.0e 3d (**)# picon 09.0e 3d hd (**)# picon 13.0e 3d (**)# picon 13.0e 3d hd (**)# picon 16.0e 3d (**)# picon 16.0e 3d hd (**)# picon 19.0e 3d (**)# picon 19.2e 3d hd (**)# picon 23.5e 3d (**)# picon 23.5e 3d hd (**)# picon 28.2e 3d (**)# picon 28.2e 3d hd (**)# picon 39.0e 3d (**)# picon 39.0e 3d hd (**)# picon 42.0e 3d (**)# picon 42.0e 3d hd (**)# picon kd.3d (**)# picon kd.3d.hd (**)# picon um.3d (**)# picon um 3d hd (**)# my changes at enigma:# MHW epg active# load patch for crossepg# bouquet button patch# .recordings patch# authenticity certificate check (by Dr.Best) <- this image will only work on original dmm hardware!# this image is updateble via plugins -> softwareupdate over internet!# OE Build Configuration:# BB_VERSION = "1.8-dream"# TARGET_ARCH = "mipsel"# TARGET_OS = "linux"# MACHINE = "dm800"# DISTRO = "opendreambox"# DISTRO_VERSION = "1.6.0"# TARGET_FPU = "soft" md5: 22076b5e2f22b3fafdd9e66c9fde08c0 ww.uydulife.tv
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