07.02.11, 01:11 | #1 |
OoZooN-Image-dm500hd burdan takip edin.
OoZooN-Image-dm500hd-06.02.2011 Kod:
Hier kommt ein neues 500HD Image aus dem Enigma² "experimental" OE 1.6 zweig. Enigma stand ist 06.02.2011 die plugins sind vom 06.02.2011 die treiber vom 15.12.2010 neuer kernel 2.6.18-r8.0 secondstageloader ist 80 änderungen an Enigma² können Hier verfolgt werden meine änderungen am oe: eigene bootlogo's, artwork von clumsy und BVB01 mit satellites.xml - enigma² by Reinh@rd änderung des dccamd start dccamd nicht im image enthalten, kann online nachinstalliert werden (*) enthalten (**) über den plugin-download verfügbar systemplugins: automatictimerlistcleanup (**) automaticvolumeadjustment (**) autoresolution (**) cleanupwizard (**) crashlogautosubmit (**) crossepg (**) defaultservicesscanner (**) diseqctester (**) dvbtime (**) hotplug (*) ledmanager (**) networkbrowser (*) networkwizard (*) positionersetup (*) satelliteequipmentcontrol (**) satfinder (*) setpasswd (**) skinselector (*) softwaremanager (*) tempfancontrol (*) videoenhancement (**) videomode (*) videotune (*) plugins: aihdcontroller (**) ambx (**) antiscrollbar (**) appletrailer (**) atmolight (**) audiosync (*) autotimer (**) b00k (**) babelzapper (**) barryallen (**) bartallen (**) bitrateviewer (**) blockcontent (**) bonjour (**) buliticker (**) bwmon (**) captain-shell (**) cdinfo (**) cooltvguide (**) covermanager (**) cronmanager (**) cutlisteditor (*) cvsnews (**) daemonmanager (**) dccamd (**) dflash (*) djmount (**) dmvidsdirectt (**) dreamdts (**) dreamexplorer (**) dreamirc (**) dreammediathek (**) drwatson (**) dvdbackup (**) dvdburn (**) dvdcontroller (**) dvdplayer (*) dyndns (**) easymedia (**) emailclient (**) enhancedmoviecenter (**) epgrefresh (*) epgsearch (**) extendedserviceinfo (**) fancontrol2 (**) fantastic (**) filebrowser (**) flashbackup (**) flashcheck (**) freeze (**) fritzcall (**) ftpbrowser (**) genuinedreambox (*) googlemaps (**) graphmultiepg (*) growlee (**) hddtemp (**) hdmon (**) housekeeping (**) httpproxy (**) imdb (**) kiddytimer (**) lancontrol2 (**) lastfm (**) lcdskin (**) ledctl (**) ledmanager (**) letterbox (**) livescore (**) logomanager (**) lottoextended (**) lottozahlen (**) mediacenter (**) mediadownloader (**) mediaplayer (*) mediascanner (*) merlinepg (**) merlinepgsearch (**) merlinmusicplayer (*) metacafedirect (**) meteoitalia (**) modem (*) mosaic (**) mountie (**) mountie-light (**) moviecut (**) moviejukebox (**) movielistpreview (**) movieretitle (**) movieselectionquickbutton (**) movie-splitter (**) movietagger (**) multquickbutton (**) multirc (**) myspacedirect (**) mytube (**) myvideo (**) ncidclient (**) netcaster (**) nfidump (**) nfsserver (**) nstreamplayer (**) ofdb (**) off (**) openpanel (**) orfat (**) partnerbox (**) passwordchanger (**) pauli (**) permanentclock (**) permanentrecording (**) permanenttimeshift (**) pictureplayer (*) planerfs (**) podcast (**) project-valerie (**) puremp3player (**) pzyemail (**) quickbutton (**) quicktv (**) reconstructapsc (**) remotetimer (**) remotetv (**) rsdownloader (**) sambaserver (*) screensaver (**) secondinfobar (**) seekbar (**) sherlock (**) shoutcast (**) simplebitrate (**) simplerss (**) smargo (**) socketmmi (**) spinnerselektor (**) sportinfos (**) startuptostandby (**) suduko (**) swapscript (**) tageditor (**) timeshiftsave (**) timeupdate (**) trafficinfo (**) translator (**) tuxcom (**) tvchart (**) tversity (**) unwetterinfo (**) updatecheck (*) upnp (**) userscripts (*) ushare (**) valixdcontrol (**) vierg (**) virtualzap (**) vlcplayer (**) wetherplugin (**) wethersat (**) webbrowser (**) webcamviewer (**) webinterface (*) webradiofs (**) werbezapper (**) xmltvimport (**) youtubeplayer (**) zaphistorybrowser (**) zapstatistic (**) zdfmediathek (**) Skins: basic hd (**) blackbox (**) blueline (**) blueline.extended (**) blueline.single (**) brushed alu hd (**) chromeline (**) chromeline.cobolt (**) dmconcinnity-hd (**) dmm-hd (**) dreammm-hd (**) dreamtv-hd (**) dtv-hd (**) dtv-hd-reloaded (**) elgato-hd (**) flatline (**) flatline.blue (**) glassline (**) greenline (**) greenline.extended (**) greenline.single (**) greyline (**) greyline.extended (**) greyline.single (**) kerni-hd1 (**) kerni-hd1r2 (**) lt6-hd (**) shadowline (**) simple (**) swain (**) swain.hd (*) ultraviolet (**) vali.hd (**) vali.hd.atlantis (**) vali.hd.nano (**) vali.hd.warp (**) valixd (**) yads-hd (**) picon (**) picon 01.0e 3d hd (**) picon 04.8e 3d hd (**) picon 07.0e 3d (**) picon 07.0e 3d hd (**) picon 09.0e 3d (**) picon 09.0e 3d hd (**) picon 13.0e 3d (**) picon 13.0e 3d hd (**) picon 16.0e 3d (**) picon 16.0e 3d hd (**) picon 19.0e 3d (**) picon 19.2e 3d hd (**) picon 23.5e 3d (**) picon 23.5e 3d hd (**) picon 28.2e 3d (**) picon 28.2e 3d hd (**) picon 39.0e 3d (**) picon 39.0e 3d hd (**) picon 42.0e 3d (**) picon 42.0e 3d hd (**) änderungen an enigma: MHW epg aktiviert load patch für crossepg bouquet button patch video preview patch (by parsurimi) echtheitszertifikatscheck (by Dr.Best) <- dieses image läuft nur auf original dmm hardware! das image ist über erweiterungen -> softwareupdate über das internet aktualisierbar! OE Build Configuration: BB_VERSION = "1.8-dream" TARGET_ARCH = "mipsel" TARGET_OS = "linux" MACHINE = "dm500hd" DISTRO = "opendreambox" DISTRO_VERSION = "1.6.0" TARGET_FPU = "soft" [HIDE][/HIDE] ww.uydulife.tv
18.04.11, 02:05 | #2 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 2752
Üyelik tarihi: 27.12.2009
Yaşım: 56
Mesajlar: 3.980
Konular: 2849
Rep Gücü : 26
Rep Puanı : 764
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 47 [] Paylaşım: 116 / 1166 |
OoZooN-Image-dm500hd-17.04.2011 Kod:
Hier kommt ein neues 500HD Image aus dem Enigma² "experimental" OE 1.6 zweig. Enigma stand ist 17.04.2011 die plugins sind vom 17.04.2011 die treiber vom 09.03.2011 neuer kernel 2.6.18-r12.0 seco$$$tageloader ist 83 änderungen an Enigma² können Hier verfolgt werden meine änderungen am oe: eigene bootlogo's, artwork von skywatcher mit satellites.xml - enigma² by Reinh@rd änderung des dccamd start dccamd nicht im image enthalten, kann online nachinstalliert werden (*) enthalten (**) über den plugin-download verfügbar systemplugins: automatictimerlistcleanup (**) automaticvolumeadjustment (**) autoresolution (**) cleanupwizard (**) crashlogautosubmit (**) crossepg (**) defaultservicesscanner (**) diseqctester (**) dvbtime (**) hotplug (*) ledmanager (**) networkbrowser (*) networkwizard (*) positionersetup (*) satelliteequipmentcontrol (**) satfinder (*) setpasswd (**) skinselector (*) softwaremanager (*) tempfancontrol (*) videoenhancement (**) videomode (*) videotune (*) plugins: aihdcontroller (**) ambx (**) antiscrollbar (**) appletrailer (**) atmolight (**) audiosync (*) autotimer (**) b00k (**) babelzapper (**) barryallen (**) bartallen (**) bitrateviewer (**) blockcontent (**) bonjour (**) buliticker (**) bwmon (**) captain-shell (**) cdinfo (**) cooltvguide (**) covermanager (**) cronmanager (**) cutlisteditor (*) cvsnews (**) daemonmanager (**) dccamd (**) dflash (*) djmount (**) dmvidsdirectt (**) dreamdts (**) dreamexplorer (**) dreamirc (**) dreammediathek (**) drwatson (**) dvdbackup (**) dvdburn (**) dvdcontroller (**) dvdplayer (*) dyndns (**) easymedia (**) emailclient (**) enhancedmoviecenter (**) epgrefresh (*) epgsearch (**) extendedserviceinfo (**) fancontrol2 (**) fantastic (**) filebrowser (**) flashbackup (**) flashcheck (**) freeze (**) fritzcall (**) ftpbrowser (**) genuinedreambox (*) googlemaps (**) graphmultiepg (*) growlee (**) hddtemp (**) hdmon (**) housekeeping (**) httpproxy (**) imdb (**) kiddytimer (**) lancontrol2 (**) lastfm (**) lcdskin (**) ledctl (**) ledmanager (**) letterbox (**) livescore (**) logomanager (**) lottoextended (**) lottozahlen (**) mediacenter (**) mediadownloader (**) mediaplayer (*) mediascanner (*) merlinepg (**) merlinepgsearch (**) merlinmusicplayer (*) metacafedirect (**) meteoitalia (**) modem (*) mosaic (**) mountie (**) mountie-light (**) moviecut (**) moviejukebox (**) movielistpreview (**) movieretitle (**) movieselectionquickbutton (**) movie-splitter (**) movietagger (**) multquickbutton (**) multirc (**) myspacedirect (**) mytube (**) myvideo (**) ncidclient (**) netcaster (**) nfidump (**) nfsserver (**) nstreamplayer (**) ofdb (**) off (**) openpanel (**) orfat (**) partnerbox (**) passwordchanger (**) pauli (**) permanentclock (**) permanentrecording (**) permanenttimeshift (**) pictureplayer (*) planerfs (**) podcast (**) project-valerie (**) puremp3player (**) pzyemail (**) quickbutton (**) quicktv (**) reconstructapsc (**) remotetimer (**) remotetv (**) rsdownloader (**) sambaserver (*) screensaver (**) secondinfobar (**) seekbar (**) serienfilme (**) sherlock (**) shoutcast (**) simplebitrate (**) simplerss (**) smargo (**) socketmmi (**) spinnerselektor (**) sportinfos (**) startuptostandby (**) suduko (**) swapscript (**) tageditor (**) timeshiftsave (**) timeupdate (**) trafficinfo (**) translator (**) tuxcom (**) tvcharts (**) tversity (**) unwetterinfo (**) updatecheck (*) upnp (**) userscripts (*) ushare (**) valixdcontrol (**) vierg (**) virtualzap (**) vlcplayer (**) wetherplugin (**) wethersat (**) webbrowser (**) webcamviewer (**) webbouqueteditor (*) webinterface (*) webradiofs (**) webvideoplayer (**) werbezapper (**) xmltvimport (**) youtubeplayer (**) zaphistorybrowser (**) zapstatistic (**) zdfmediathek (**) Skins: basic hd (**) blackbox (**) blueline (**) blueline.extended (**) blueline.single (**) brushed alu hd (**) chromeline (**) chromeline.cobolt (**) dmconcinnity-hd (**) dmm-hd (**) dreammm-hd (**) dreamtv-hd (**) dtv-hd (**) dtv-hd-reloaded (**) elgato-hd (**) flatline (**) flatline.blue (**) glassline (**) greenline (**) greenline.extended (**) greenline.single (**) greyline (**) greyline.extended (**) greyline.single (**) kerni-hd1 (**) kerni-hd1r2 (**) lt6-hd (**) shadowline (**) simple (**) swain (**) swain.hd (**) ultraviolet (**) vali.hd (**) vali.hd.atlantis (**) vali.hd.nano (**) vali.hd.nano.mod (*) vali.hd.warp (**) valixd (**) yads-hd (**) picon (*) picon 01.0e 3d hd (**) picon 04.8e 3d hd (**) picon 07.0e 3d (**) picon 07.0e 3d hd (**) picon 09.0e 3d (**) picon 09.0e 3d hd (**) picon 13.0e 3d (**) picon 13.0e 3d hd (**) picon 16.0e 3d (**) picon 16.0e 3d hd (**) picon 19.0e 3d (**) picon 19.2e 3d hd (**) picon 23.5e 3d (**) picon 23.5e 3d hd (**) picon 28.2e 3d (**) picon 28.2e 3d hd (**) picon 39.0e 3d (**) picon 39.0e 3d hd (**) picon 42.0e 3d (**) picon 42.0e 3d hd (**) änderungen an enigma: MHW epg aktiviert load patch für crossepg bouquet button patch video preview patch (by parsurimi) echtheitszertifikatscheck (by Dr.Best) <- dieses image läuft nur auf original dmm hardware! das image ist über erweiterungen -> softwareupdate über das internet aktualisierbar! OE Build Configuration: BB_VERSION = "1.8-dream" TARGET_ARCH = "mipsel" TARGET_OS = "linux" MACHINE = "dm500hd" DISTRO = "opendreambox" DISTRO_VERSION = "1.6.0" TARGET_FPU = "soft" ww.uydulife.tv
16.05.11, 09:47 | #3 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 2752
Üyelik tarihi: 27.12.2009
Yaşım: 56
Mesajlar: 3.980
Konular: 2849
Rep Gücü : 26
Rep Puanı : 764
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 47 [] Paylaşım: 116 / 1166 |
here comes my latest dm500hd Image from Enigma² "experimental" OE 1.6 branch. Enigma is of 15.05.2011 the plugins are of 15.05.2011 the drivers are of 06.05.2011 new kernel 2.6.18-r12.0 seco$$$tage is 83 changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE my changes at oe: own bootlogo's, artwork by skywatcher with satellites.xml - enigma² by Reinh@rd changes of dccamd start dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download (*) included (**) only via plugin-download available systemplugins: automatictimerlistcleanup (**) automaticvolumeadjustment (**) autoresolution (**) cleanupwizard (**) crashlogautosubmit (**) crossepg (**) defaultservicesscanner (**) diseqctester (**) dvbtime (**) hotplug (*) ledmanager (**) networkbrowser (*) networkwizard (*) positionersetup (*) satelliteequipmentcontrol (**) satfinder (*) setpasswd (**) skinselector (*) softwaremanager (*) tempfancontrol (*) videoenhancement (**) videomode (*) videotune (*) plugins: aihdcontroller (**) ambx (**) antiscrollbar (**) appletrailer (**) atmolight (**) audiosync (*) autotimer (**) b00k (**) babelzapper (**) barryallen (**) bartallen (**) bitrateviewer (**) blockcontent (**) bonjour (**) buliticker (**) bwmon (**) captain-shell (**) cdinfo (**) cooltvguide (**) covermanager (**) cronmanager (**) cutlisteditor (*) cvsnews (**) daemonmanager (**) dccamd (**) dflash (*) djmount (**) dmvidsdirectt (**) dreamdts (**) dreamexplorer (**) dreamirc (**) dreammediathek (**) drwatson (**) dvdbackup (**) dvdburn (**) dvdcontroller (**) dvdplayer (*) dyndns (**) easymedia (**) emailclient (**) enhancedmoviecenter (**) epgrefresh (*) epgsearch (**) extendedserviceinfo (**) fancontrol2 (**) fantastic (**) filebrowser (**) flashbackup (**) flashcheck (**) freeze (**) fritzcall (**) ftpbrowser (**) genuinedreambox (*) googlemaps (**) graphmultiepg (*) growlee (**) hddtemp (**) hdmon (**) housekeeping (**) httpproxy (**) imdb (**) kiddytimer (**) lancontrol2 (**) lastfm (**) lcdskin (**) ledctl (**) ledmanager (**) letterbox (**) livescore (**) logomanager (**) lottoextended (**) lottozahlen (**) mediacenter (**) mediadownloader (**) mediaplayer (*) mediascanner (*) merlinepg (**) merlinepgsearch (**) merlinmusicplayer (*) metacafedirect (**) meteoitalia (**) modem (*) mosaic (**) mountie (**) mountie-light (**) moviecut (**) moviejukebox (**) movielistpreview (**) movieretitle (**) movieselectionquickbutton (**) movie-splitter (**) movietagger (**) multquickbutton (**) multirc (**) myspacedirect (**) mytube (**) myvideo (**) ncidclient (**) netcaster (**) nfidump (**) nfsserver (**) nstreamplayer (**) ofdb (**) off (**) openpanel (**) orfat (**) partnerbox (**) passwordchanger (**) pauli (**) permanentclock (**) permanentrecording (**) permanenttimeshift (**) pictureplayer (*) planerfs (**) podcast (**) project-valerie (**) puremp3player (**) pzyemail (**) quickbutton (**) quicktv (**) reconstructapsc (**) remotetimer (**) remotetv (**) rsdownloader (**) sambaserver (*) screensaver (**) secondinfobar (**) seekbar (**) serientimer (**) sherlock (**) shoutcast (**) simplebitrate (**) simplerss (**) smargo (**) socketmmi (**) spinnerselektor (**) sportinfos (**) startuptostandby (**) suduko (**) swapscript (**) tageditor (**) timeshiftsave (**) timeupdate (**) trafficinfo (**) translator (**) tuxcom (**) tvcharts (**) tversity (**) unwetterinfo (**) updatecheck (*) upnp (**) userscripts (*) ushare (**) valixdcontrol (**) vierg (**) virtualzap (**) vlcplayer (**) wetherplugin (**) wethersat (**) webbrowser (**) webcamviewer (**) webbouqueteditor (**) webinterface (*) webradiofs (**) webvideoplayer (**) werbezapper (**) xmltvimport (**) youtubeplayer (**) zaphistorybrowser (**) zapstatistic (**) zdfmediathek (**) Skins: basic hd (**) blackbox (**) blueline (**) blueline.extended (**) blueline.single (**) brushed alu hd (**) chromeline (**) chromeline.cobolt (**) dmconcinnity-hd (**) dmm-hd (**) dreammm-hd (**) dreamtv-hd (**) dtv-hd (**) dtv-hd-reloaded (**) elgato-hd (**) flatline (**) flatline.blue (**) glassline (**) greenline (**) greenline.extended (**) greenline.single (**) greyline (**) greyline.extended (**) greyline.single (**) kerni-hd1 (**) kerni-hd1r2 (**) lt6-hd (**) shadowline (**) simple (**) swain (**) swain.hd (**) ultraviolet (**) vali.hd (**) vali.hd.atlantis (**) vali.hd.nano (**) vali.hd.nano.mod (*) vali.hd.warp (**) valixd (**) yads-hd (**) picon (*) picon 01.0e 3d hd (**) picon 04.8e 3d hd (**) picon 07.0e 3d (**) picon 07.0e 3d hd (**) picon 09.0e 3d (**) picon 09.0e 3d hd (**) picon 13.0e 3d (**) picon 13.0e 3d hd (**) picon 16.0e 3d (**) picon 16.0e 3d hd (**) picon 19.0e 3d (**) picon 19.2e 3d hd (**) picon 23.5e 3d (**) picon 23.5e 3d hd (**) picon 28.2e 3d (**) picon 28.2e 3d hd (**) picon 39.0e 3d (**) picon 39.0e 3d hd (**) picon 42.0e 3d (**) picon 42.0e 3d hd (**) my changes at enigma: MHW epg active load patch for crossepg bouquet button patch .recordings patch video preview patch (by parsurimi) spinner fix patch (by adenin) authenticity certificate check (by Dr.Best) <- this image will only work on original dmm hardware! this image is updateble via plugins -> softwareupdate over internet! OE Build Configuration: BB_VERSION = "1.8-dream" TARGET_ARCH = "mipsel" TARGET_OS = "linux" MACHINE = "dm500hd" DISTRO = "opendreambox" DISTRO_VERSION = "1.6.0" TARGET_FPU = "soft" ww.uydulife.tv
31.07.11, 16:12 | #4 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 2752
Üyelik tarihi: 27.12.2009
Yaşım: 56
Mesajlar: 3.980
Konular: 2849
Rep Gücü : 26
Rep Puanı : 764
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 47 [] Paylaşım: 116 / 1166 |
OoZooN-Image-dm500hd-31.07.2011 Kod:
here comes my latest dm500hd Image from Enigma² “experimental” OE 1.6 branch. Enigma is of 30.07.2011 the plugins are of 30.07.2011 the drivers are of 06.05.2011 new kernel 2.6.18-r12.0.1 seco$$$tage is 83 changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE h**p://cia.vc/stats/project/enigma2 my changes at oe: own bootlogo’s, artwork by skywatcher with satellites.xml – enigma² by Reinh@rd changes of dccamd start dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download (*) included (**) only via plugin-download available systemplugins: automaticcleanup (**) automatictimerlistcleanup (**) automaticvolumeadjustment (**) autoresolution (**) cleanupwizard (**) crashlogautosubmit (**) crossepg (**) defaultservicesscanner (**) diseqctester (**) dvbtime (**) hotplug (*) ledmanager (**) mphelp (**) networkbrowser (*) networkwizard (*) positionersetup (*) satelliteequipmentcontrol (**) satfinder (*) setpasswd (**) skinselector (*) softwaremanager (*) tempfancontrol (*) videoenhancement (**) videomode (*) videotune (*) vps (**) plugins: aihdcontroller (**) ambx (**) antiscrollbar (**) appletrailer (**) atmolight (**) audiosync (*) autotimer (**) b00k (**) babelzapper (**) barryallen (**) bartallen (**) bitrateviewer (**) blockcontent (**) bonjour (**) buliticker (**) bwmon (**) captain-shell (**) cdinfo (**) cooltvguide (**) covermanager (**) cronmanager (**) cutlisteditor (*) cvsnews (**) daemonmanager (**) dccamd (**) dflash (*) djmount (**) dmvidsdirectt (**) dreamdts (**) dreamexplorer (**) dreamirc (**) dreammediathek (**) drwatson (**) dvdbackup (**) dvdburn (**) dvdcontroller (**) dvdplayer (*) dyndns (**) easymedia (**) emailclient (**) enhancedmoviecenter (**) epgrefresh (*) epgsearch (**) extendedserviceinfo (**) fancontrol2 (**) fantastic (**) filebrowser (**) flashbackup (**) flashcheck (**) freeze (**) fritzcall (**) ftpbrowser (**) genuinedreambox (*) googlemaps (**) graphmultiepg (*) growlee (**) hddtemp (**) hdmon (**) housekeeping (**) httpproxy (**) imdb (**) kiddytimer (**) lancontrol2 (**) lastfm (**) lcdskin (**) ledctl (**) ledmanager (**) letterbox (**) livescore (**) logomanager (**) lottoextended (**) lottozahlen (**) mediacenter (**) mediadownloader (**) mediaplayer (*) mediascanner (*) merlinepg (**) merlinepgsearch (**) merlinmusicplayer (*) metacafedirect (**) meteoitalia (**) modem (*) mosaic (**) mountie (**) mountie-light (**) moviecut (**) movieepg (**) moviejukebox (**) movielistpreview (**) movieretitle (**) movieselectionquickbutton (**) movie-splitter (**) movietagger (**) multquickbutton (**) multirc (**) myspacedirect (**) mytube (**) myvideo (**) namezap (**) ncidclient (**) netcaster (**) nfidump (**) nfsserver (**) nstreamplayer (**) ofdb (**) off (**) openpanel (**) orfat (**) partnerbox (**) passwordchanger (**) pauli (**) permanentclock (**) permanentrecording (**) permanenttimeshift (**) pictureplayer (*) planerfs (**) pluginsort (*) podcast (**) project-valerie (**) puremp3player (**) pzyemail (**) quickbutton (**) quicktv (**) reconstructapsc (**) remotetimer (**) remotetv (**) rsdownloader (**) sambaserver (*) screensaver (**) secondinfobar (**) seekbar (**) serienfilme (**) sherlock (**) shoutcast (**) showclock (**) simplebitrate (**) simplerss (**) smargo (**) socketmmi (**) spinnerselektor (**) sportinfos (**) startuptostandby (**) suduko (**) swapscript (**) tageditor (**) timeshiftsave (**) timeupdate (**) trafficinfo (**) translator (**) tuxcom (**) tvcharts (**) tversity (**) unwetterinfo (**) updatecheck (*) upnp (**) userscripts (*) ushare (**) valixdcontrol (**) vierg (**) virtualzap (**) vlcplayer (**) wetherplugin (**) wethersat (**) webbrowser (**) webcamviewer (**) webbouqueteditor (*) webinterface (*) webradiofs (**) webvideoplayer (**) werbezapper (**) xmltvimport (**) youtubeplayer (**) yttrailer (**) zaphistorybrowser (**) zapstatistic (**) zdfmediathek (**) Skins: basic hd (**) blackbox (**) blueline (**) blueline.extended (**) blueline.single (**) brushed alu hd (**) chromeline (**) chromeline.cobolt (**) dmconcinnity-hd (**) dmm-hd (**) dreammm-hd (**) dreamtv-hd (**) dtv-hd (**) dtv-hd-reloaded (**) elgato-hd (**) flatline (**) flatline.blue (**) glassline (**) greenline (**) greenline.extended (**) greenline.single (**) greyline (**) greyline.extended (**) greyline.single (**) kerni-hd1 (**) kerni-hd1r2 (**) lt6-hd (**) shadowline (**) simple (**) swain (**) swain.hd (**) ultraviolet (**) vali.hd (**) vali.hd.atlantis (**) vali.hd.nano (**) vali.hd.nano.mod (*) vali.hd.warp (**) valixd (**) yads-hd (**) picon (*) picon 01.0e 3d hd (**) picon 04.8e 3d hd (**) picon 07.0e 3d (**) picon 07.0e 3d hd (**) picon 09.0e 3d (**) picon 09.0e 3d hd (**) picon 13.0e 3d (**) picon 13.0e 3d hd (**) picon 16.0e 3d (**) picon 16.0e 3d hd (**) picon 19.0e 3d (**) picon 19.2e 3d hd (**) picon 23.5e 3d (**) picon 23.5e 3d hd (**) picon 28.2e 3d (**) picon 28.2e 3d hd (**) picon 39.0e 3d (**) picon 39.0e 3d hd (**) picon 42.0e 3d (**) picon 42.0e 3d hd (**) my changes at enigma: MHW epg active load patch for crossepg bouquet button patch videopreview patch (by parsurimi) spinner fix patch (by adenin) .recordings patch authenticity certificate check (by Dr.Best) <- this image will only work on original dmm hardware! this image is updateble via setup -> software management over internet! OE Build Configuration: BB_VERSION = “1.8-dream” TARGET_ARCH = “mipsel” TARGET_OS = “linux” MACHINE = “dm500hd” DISTRO = “opendreambox” DISTRO_VERSION = “1.6.0″ TARGET_FPU = “soft” ww.uydulife.tv
11.09.11, 21:01 | #5 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 2752
Üyelik tarihi: 27.12.2009
Yaşım: 56
Mesajlar: 3.980
Konular: 2849
Rep Gücü : 26
Rep Puanı : 764
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 47 [] Paylaşım: 116 / 1166 |
OoZooN-Image-dm500hd-20110911.nfi Kod:
here comes my latest dm500hd Image from Enigma² “experimental” OE 1.6 branch. Enigma is of 11.09.2011 the plugins are of 11.09.2011 the drivers are of 02.09.2011 new kernel 2.6.18-r14 seco$$$tage is 84 changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE _http://cia.vc/stats/project/enigma2 my changes at oe: own bootlogo’s, artwork by skywatcher with satellites.xml – enigma² by Reinh@rd changes of dccamd start dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download (*) included (**) only via plugin-download available systemplugins: automaticcleanup (**) automatictimerlistcleanup (**) automaticvolumeadjustment (**) autoresolution (**) cleanupwizard (**) crashlogautosubmit (**) crossepg (**) defaultservicesscanner (**) diseqctester (**) dvbtime (**) hotplug (*) ledmanager (**) mphelp (**) networkbrowser (*) networkwizard (*) positionersetup (*) satelliteequipmentcontrol (**) satfinder (*) setpasswd (**) skinselector (*) softwaremanager (*) tempfancontrol (*) videoenhancement (**) videomode (*) videotune (*) vps (**) plugins: aihdcontroller (**) ambx (**) antiscrollbar (**) appletrailer (**) atmolight (**) audiosync (*) autotimer (**) b00k (**) babelzapper (**) barryallen (**) bartallen (**) bitrateviewer (**) blockcontent (**) bonjour (**) buliticker (**) bwmon (**) captain-shell (**) cdinfo (**) cooltvguide (**) covermanager (**) cronmanager (**) cutlisteditor (*) cvsnews (**) daemonmanager (**) dccamd (**) devicemanager (**) dflash (*) djmount (**) dmvidsdirectt (**) dreambuddy (**) dreamdts (**) dreamexplorer (**) dreamirc (**) dreammediathek (**) drwatson (**) dvdbackup (**) dvdburn (**) dvdcontroller (**) dvdplayer (*) dyndns (**) easymedia (**) emailclient (**) enhancedmoviecenter (**) epgrefresh (*) epgsearch (**) extendedserviceinfo (**) fancontrol2 (**) fantastic (**) filebrowser (**) flashbackup (**) flashcheck (**) freeze (**) fritzcall (**) ftpbrowser (**) genuinedreambox (*) googlemaps (**) graphmultiepg (*) growlee (**) hddtemp (**) hdmon (**) housekeeping (**) httpproxy (**) imdb (**) kiddytimer (**) lancontrol2 (**) lastfm (**) lcdskin (**) ledctl (**) ledmanager (**) letterbox (**) livescore (**) logomanager (**) lottoextended (**) lottozahlen (**) mediacenter (**) mediadownloader (**) mediaplayer (*) mediascanner (*) merlinepg (**) merlinmusicplayer (*) metacafedirect (**) meteoitalia (**) modem (*) mosaic (**) mountie (**) mountie-light (**) moviecut (**) movieepg (**) moviejukebox (**) movielistpreview (**) movieretitle (**) movieselectionquickbutton (**) movie-splitter (**) movietagger (**) multquickbutton (**) multirc (**) myspacedirect (**) mytube (**) myvideo (**) namezap (**) ncidclient (**) netcaster (**) nfidump (**) nfsserver (**) nstreamplayer (**) ofdb (**) off (**) openpanel (**) orfat (**) partnerbox (**) passwordchanger (**) pauli (**) permanentclock (**) permanentrecording (**) permanenttimeshift (**) pictureplayer (*) planerfs (**) pluginsort (*) podcast (**) project-valerie (**) puremp3player (**) pzyemail (**) quickbutton (**) quicktv (**) reconstructapsc (**) remotetimer (**) remotetv (**) rsdownloader (**) sambaserver (*) screensaver (**) secondinfobar (**) seekbar (**) serienfilme (**) sherlock (**) shoutcast (**) showclock (**) simplebitrate (**) simplerss (*) smargo (**) socketmmi (**) spinnerselektor (**) sportinfos (**) sportportal (**) startuptostandby (**) suduko (**) swapscript (**) tageditor (**) timeshiftsave (**) timeupdate (**) trafficinfo (**) translator (**) tuxcom (**) tvcharts (**) tversity (**) unwetterinfo (**) updatecheck (*) upnp (**) userscripts (*) ushare (**) valixdcontrol (**) vierg (**) virtualzap (**) vlcplayer (**) wetherplugin (**) wethersat (**) webbrowser (**) webcamviewer (**) webbouqueteditor (*) webinterface (*) webradiofs (**) webvideoplayer (**) werbezapper (**) xmltvimport (**) youtubeplayer (**) yttrailer (**) zaphistorybrowser (**) zapstatistic (**) zdfmediathek (**) Skins: basic hd (**) blackbox (**) blueline (**) blueline.extended (**) blueline.single (**) brushed alu hd (**) chromeline (**) chromeline.cobolt (**) dmconcinnity-hd (**) dmm-hd (**) dreammm-hd (**) dreamtv-hd (**) dtv-hd (**) dtv-hd-reloaded (**) elgato-hd (**) flatline (**) flatline.blue (**) glassline (**) greenline (**) greenline.extended (**) greenline.single (**) greyline (**) greyline.extended (**) greyline.single (**) kerni-hd1 (**) kerni-hd1r2 (**) lt6-hd (**) shadowline (**) simple (**) swain (**) swain.hd (**) ultraviolet (**) vali.hd (**) vali.hd.atlantis (**) vali.hd.flex (**) vali.hd.nano (**) vali.hd.nano.mod (*) vali.hd.warp (**) valixd (**) yads-hd (**) picon (*) picon 01.0e 3d hd (**) picon 04.8e 3d hd (**) picon 07.0e 3d (**) picon 07.0e 3d hd (**) picon 09.0e 3d (**) picon 09.0e 3d hd (**) picon 13.0e 3d (**) picon 13.0e 3d hd (**) picon 16.0e 3d (**) picon 16.0e 3d hd (**) picon 19.0e 3d (**) picon 19.2e 3d hd (**) picon 23.5e 3d (**) picon 23.5e 3d hd (**) picon 28.2e 3d (**) picon 28.2e 3d hd (**) picon 39.0e 3d (**) picon 39.0e 3d hd (**) picon 42.0e 3d (**) picon 42.0e 3d hd (**) my changes at enigma: MHW epg active load patch for crossepg bouquet button patch videopreview patch (by parsurimi) spinner fix patch (by adenin) .recordings patch authenticity certificate check (by Dr.Best) -> this image will only work on original dmm hardware! this image is updateble via setup -> software management over internet! OE Build Configuration: BB_VERSION = “1.8-dream” TARGET_ARCH = “mipsel” TARGET_OS = “linux” MACHINE = “dm500hd” DISTRO = “opendreambox” DISTRO_VERSION = “1.6.0″ TARGET_FPU = “soft” md5: f2efe133482ea27ff31826dd617ce4d9 Starting today, images for the models DM500HD, DM800 SE and DM800HD PVR include an improved flash error correction feature. In order to benefit from the improvements, it is required that you either flash the new image with the latest version of DreamUP (V1.3.3.8) or flash a new second stage loader ( DM500HD DM800HD PVR DM800 SE ) before flashing the image via your browser or other means. If you use the online update functionality, the new second stage loader will automatically be installed after rebooting. [HIDE][/HIDE] ww.uydulife.tv
15.11.11, 01:08 | #6 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 2752
Üyelik tarihi: 27.12.2009
Yaşım: 56
Mesajlar: 3.980
Konular: 2849
Rep Gücü : 26
Rep Puanı : 764
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 47 [] Paylaşım: 116 / 1166 |
OoZooN-Image-dm500hd-3.2.1 here comes my latest dm500hd Image from Enigma² “release” OE 1.6 branch. Enigma is of 10.11.2011 the plugins are of 12.11.2011 the drivers are of 09.11.2011 new kernel 2.6.18-r14.1.1 seco$$$tage is 84 changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE my changes at oe: own bootlogo’s, artwork by skywatcher with satellites.xml – enigma² by Reinh@rd changes of dccamd start [HIDE] [/HIDE] ww.uydulife.tv
10.04.12, 04:26 | #7 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 2752
Üyelik tarihi: 27.12.2009
Yaşım: 56
Mesajlar: 3.980
Konular: 2849
Rep Gücü : 26
Rep Puanı : 764
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 47 [] Paylaşım: 116 / 1166 |
OoZooN Image DM500 HD PVR Kod:
OoZooN-Image-dm500hd-3.2.2.nfi here comes my latest dm500hd Image from Enigma² “release 3.2″ OE 1.6 branch. Enigma is of 27.03.2012 the plugins are of 27.03.2012 the drivers are of 22.03.2012 new kernel 2.6.18-r19.0.2 secondstage is 84 changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE my changes at oe: own bootlogo’s, artwork by skywatcher with satellites.xml – enigma² by Reinh@rd with picon by PPH changes of dccamd start dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download (*) included (**) only via plugin-download available systemplugins: 3dsettings (**) automaticcleanup (**) automatictimerlistcleanup (**) automaticvolumeadjustment (**) autoresolution (**) cleanupwizard (**) crashlogautosubmit (**) defaultservicesscanner (**) diseqctester (**) dvbtime (**) epgloader (**) hotplug (*) ledmanager (**) mphelp (**) networkbrowser (*) networksetup (*) networkwizard (*) positionersetup (*) satelliteequipmentcontrol (**) satfinder (*) setpasswd (**) skinselector (*) softwaremanager (*) tempfancontrol (*) videoenhancement (**) videomode (*) videotune (*) vps (**) plugins: aihdcontroller (**) airplayer (**) ambx (**) antiscrollbar (**) appletrailer (**) atmolight (**) audiosync (*) autotimer (**) b00k (**) babelzapper (**) barryallen (**) birthdayreminder (**) bitrateviewer (**) blockcontent (**) bonjour (**) buliticker (**) bwmon (**) camofs (**) captain-shell (**) cdinfo (**) cooltvguide (**) covermanager (**) cronmanager (**) curlytx (**) cutlisteditor (*) cvsnews (**) daemonmanager (**) dccamd (**) devicemanager (**) dflash (*) djmount (**) dmvidsdirectt (**) dreambuddy (**) dreamdts (**) dreamexplorer (**) dreamirc (**) dreammediathek (**) drwatson (**) dvdbackup (**) dvdburn (**) dvdcontroller (**) dvdplayer (*) dyndns (**) easymedia (**) ecasa (**) emailclient (**) emission (**) enhancedmoviecenter (**) epgrefresh (*) epgsearch (**) eurotictv (**) extendedserviceinfo (**) fancontrol2 (**) fantastic (**) filebrowser (**) flashbackup (**) flashcheck (**) foreca (**) freeze (**) fritzcall (**) ftpbrowser (**) genuinedreambox (*) googlemaps (**) graphmultiepg (*) growlee (**) hddtemp (**) hdmon (**) housekeeping (**) httpproxy (**) imdb (**) kiddytimer (**) lancontrol2 (**) lastfm (**) lcdskin (**) ledctl (**) ledmanager (**) letterbox (**) livescore (**) logomanager (**) lottoextended (**) lottozahlen (**) mediacenter (**) mediadownloader (**) mediaplayer (*) mediascanner (*) merlinepg (**) merlinepgcenter (**) merlinmusicplayer (*) metacafedirect (**) meteoitalia (**) modem (*) mosaic (**) mountie (**) mountie-light (**) moviecut (**) movieepg (**) moviejukebox (**) movielistpreview (**) movieretitle (**) movieselectionquickbutton (**) movie-splitter (**) movietagger (**) multquickbutton (**) multirc (**) myspacedirect (**) mytube (**) myvideo (**) namezap (**) ncidclient (**) netcaster (**) nfidump (**) nfsserver (**) nstreamplayer (**) ofdb (**) off (**) openpanel (**) orfat (**) partnerbox (**) passwordchanger (**) pauli (**) permanentclock (**) permanentrecording (**) permanenttimeshift (**) picturecenterfs (**) pictureplayer (*) pipservicerelation (**) planerfs (**) pluginsort (*) pluginhider (**) podcast (**) project-valerie (**) puremp3player (**) pzyemail (**) quickbutton (**) reconstructapsc (**) remotetimer (**) remotetv (**) rsdownloader (**) sambaserver (*) screensaver (**) secondinfobar (**) seekbar (**) serienfilme (**) sherlock (**) showclock (**) simplebitrate (**) simplerss (*) smargo (**) socketmmi (**) spinnerselektor (**) sportinfos (**) sportportal (**) startuptostandby (**) subsdownloader2 (**) suduko (**) swapscript (**) tageditor (**) timeshiftsave (**) timeupdate (**) trafficinfo (**) translator (**) tuxcom (**) tvcharts (**) tversity (**) unwetterinfo (**) updatecheck (*) upnp (**) userscripts (*) ushare (**) valixdcontrol (**) vierg (**) virtualzap (**) vlcplayer (**) wetherplugin (**) wethersat (**) webadmin (**) webbrowser (**) webcamviewer (**) webbouqueteditor (*) webinterface (*) webradiofs (**) webvideoplayer (**) werbezapper (**) youtubeplayer (**) yttrailer (**) zaphistorybrowser (**) zapstatistic (**) zdfmediathek (**) Skins: basic hd (**) blackbeauty-hd (**) blackbox (**) blueline (**) blueline.extended (**) blueline.single (**) brushed alu hd (**) chromeline (**) chromeline.cobolt (**) dmconcinnity-hd (**) dmm-hd (**) dreammm-hd (**) dreamtv-hd (**) dtv-hd (**) dtv-hd-reloaded (**) elgato-hd (**) flatline (**) flatline.blue (**) glassline (**) greenline (**) greenline.extended (**) greenline.single (**) greyline (**) greyline.extended (**) greyline.single (**) kerni-hd1 (**) kerni-hd1r2 (**) lt6-hd (**) shadowline (**) simple (**) swain (**) swain.hd (**) ultraviolet (**) vali.hd.atlantis (**) vali.hd.flex (**) vali.hd.nano (**) vali.hd.nano.mod (*) vali.hd.warp (**) valixd (**) yads-hd (**) picon (*) picon 01.0e 3d hd (**) picon 04.8e 3d hd (**) picon 07.0e 3d (**) picon 07.0e 3d hd (**) picon 09.0e 3d (**) picon 09.0e 3d hd (**) picon 13.0e 3d (**) picon 13.0e 3d hd (**) picon 16.0e 3d (**) picon 16.0e 3d hd (**) picon 19.0e 3d (**) picon 19.2e 3d hd (**) picon 23.5e 3d (**) picon 23.5e 3d hd (**) picon 28.2e 3d (**) picon 28.2e 3d hd (**) picon 39.0e 3d (**) picon 39.0e 3d hd (**) picon 42.0e 3d (**) picon 42.0e 3d hd (**) my changes at enigma: MHW epg active bouquet button patch videopreview patch (by parsurimi) .recordings patch this image is updateble via setup -> software management over internet! OE Build Configuration: BB_VERSION = “1.8-dream” TARGET_ARCH = “mipsel” TARGET_OS = “linux” MACHINE = “dm500hd” DISTRO = “opendreambox” DISTRO_VERSION = “1.6.0″ TARGET_FPU = “soft” OoZooN-Image-dm500hd-3.2.2.nfi Reply With Quote Multi-Quote This Message Quick reply to this message Thanks Reply Page 4 of 4 « First < 2 3 4 « Previous Thread | Next Thread » Quick Reply Message: Remove Text Formatting Bold Italic Underline Insert Link Insert Image Wrap [QUOTE] tags around selected text Diminuisci dimensione Aumenta dimensione Switch Editor Mode Options Show your signature Quote message in reply? ww.uydulife.tv
10.03.13, 19:30 | #8 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 3747
Üyelik tarihi: 23.02.2010
Nereden: bağcılar-ist.
Yaşım: 69
Mesajlar: 1.485
Konular: 227
Rep Gücü : 16
Rep Puanı : 20
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 32 [] Paylaşım: 0 / 797 |
OoZooN-Image-dm500hd-10.03.2013 Date: 2013-03-09 18:31 Enigma2: 3.999git20130220-r9.0.6 Distro: opendreambox 2.0.0 Machine: Dreambox dm500hd Issuer: OoZooN MD5: 2c3b6387057a1e074c95ab70b646d919 SHA256: ba2c1983ff332b2d5bf1de5d6f593543227ef5322487eb8986 9bff89064875f8 ww.uydulife.tv
21.04.13, 18:06 | #9 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 3747
Üyelik tarihi: 23.02.2010
Nereden: bağcılar-ist.
Yaşım: 69
Mesajlar: 1.485
Konular: 227
Rep Gücü : 16
Rep Puanı : 20
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 32 [] Paylaşım: 0 / 797 |
OoZooN-Image-dm500hd-20130420. Kod:
Date: 2013-04-20 16:08 Enigma2: 3.999git20130314-r9.2.4 Distro: opendreambox 2.0.0 Machine: Dreambox dm500hd Feed: http://www.oozoon-dreamboxupdate.de/opendreambox/2.0/experimental Issuer: OoZooN Homepage: www.OoZooN.tv MD5: 1b01ee1884626a66195eee56bd7e103c SHA256: f589b2ad164a878d6ce2d045822945539b725a06bea25d613388a7f43a8002c3 ww.uydulife.tv
21.04.13, 19:28 | #10 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 3
Üyelik tarihi: 16.07.2008
Nereden: adıyaman
Mesajlar: 5.706
Konular: 2447
Rep Gücü : 10
Rep Puanı : 862
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 54 [] Paylaşım: 132 / 1325 |
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La İlahe İllallah kalbimizi karartma. La İlahe İllallah rızkımızı daraltma. La İlahe İllallah bizi imansız bırakma. La İlahe İllallah kabirde bizi bunaltma. La İlahe İllallah kendi kapından başka kapı aratma. La İlahe İllallah kendine kul habibine ümmet olmaktan bizi biran bile ayırma. La İlahe İllallah hesapsız sabır ver. La İlahe İllallah azapsız kabir ver bizlere Allah'ım… AMİN AMİN AMİN ASALET BOYDA DEĞİL, SOYDA OLMALI İNCELİK BELDE DEĞİL, DİLDE OLMALI DOĞRULUK SÖZDE DEĞİL, ÖZDE OLMALI GÜZELLİK YÜZDE DEĞİL, YÜREKTE OLMALI.. |
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