02.09.08, 16:08 | #1 |
Digi TV (1W) Güncel Keyler
Next 8000 Serisi Code 10: 1E 08 23 3B AB D8 5F B9 Code 11: E BF 36 B2 44 32 1C 09 Kod: Next 2000-9000 Serisi Code 08: 1E 08 23 3B AB D8 5F B9 Code 18: E BF 36 B2 44 32 1C 09 Kod: Next 5000-7500 Serisi Code 00: 1E 08 23 3B AB D8 5F B9 Code 01: E BF 36 B2 44 32 1C 09 ww.uydulife.tv
27.02.09, 18:37 | #2 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 587
Üyelik tarihi: 16.01.2009
Mesajlar: 231
Konular: 26
Rep Gücü : 17
Rep Puanı : 180
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 14 [] Paylaşım: 0 / 330 |
DigiTV @ Intelsat 10-02 1W 27.02.2009 *** 01 B2 9B 40 06 91 90 E4 50 0A 79 EE A2 8C 14 5E 8D DEC 178 155 064 006 145 144 228 080 010 121 238 162 140 020 094 141 ww.uydulife.tv
28.03.09, 18:55 | #3 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 587
Üyelik tarihi: 16.01.2009
Mesajlar: 231
Konular: 26
Rep Gücü : 17
Rep Puanı : 180
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 14 [] Paylaşım: 0 / 330 |
DigiTV (1°W) 28.03.2009
ident 2111 [Nagra2] DigiTV (1°W) Key 00: C5 4B E6 65 D3 BA 1C 7F 15 0D 98 FC 3F F9 60 6A Key 00 in HEX: C54BE665D3BA1C7F150D98FC3FF9606A Key 00 in DEC: 197 75 230 101 211 186 28 127 21 13 152 252 63 249 96 106 ww.uydulife.tv
28.03.09, 22:36 | #4 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 587
Üyelik tarihi: 16.01.2009
Mesajlar: 231
Konular: 26
Rep Gücü : 17
Rep Puanı : 180
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 14 [] Paylaşım: 0 / 330 |
DigiTV (1°W) 28.03.2009
ident 2111 [Nagra2] DigiTV (1°W) Key 01: 8F AE 7F FB 2D BB 64 F6 46 F7 05 52 5D EB 25 F8 Key 01 in HEX: 8FAE7FFB2DBB64F646F705525DEB25 F8 Key 01 in DEC: 143 174 127 251 045 187 100 246 070 247 005 082 093 235 037 248 For camd3.keys (camd3.keys): 1801:002111:0000000000:01:8FAE 7FFB2DBB64F646F70552 5DEB25F8 ; IDEA 96 For CCcam (SoftCam.Key): N 2111 01 8FAE7FFB2DBB64F646F705525DEB25 F8 ; IDEA 96 For Newcamd (keylist): 1801:000000:211101::8F AE 7F FB 2D BB 64 F6 46 F7 05 52 5D EB 25 F8 ; IDEA 96 For EVOcamd (keylist.txt): N 2111 01 8FAE7FFB2DBB64F646F705525DEB25 F8 ; IDEA 96 For GBox (nagra): I: { 21 11 01 { 8F AE 7F FB 2D BB 64 F6 46 F7 05 52 5D EB 25 F8 }} # IDEA 96 For MGcamd (Softcam.Key): N 2111 01 8FAE7FFB2DBB64F646F705525DEB25 F8 ; IDEA 96 scam (nagra2): N: { 2111 00000000 46 08 10 { 8FAE7FFB2DBB64F646F705525DEB25 F8 }} For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key) N 2111 01 8FAE7FFB2DBB64F646F705525DEB25 F8 ;DigiTV (1°W) CAM Module HEX Key 01-0: 8F AE 7F FB 2D BB 64 F6 01-1: 46 F7 05 52 5D EB 25 F8 CAM Module DEC Key 01-0: 143 174 127 251 045 187 100 246 01-1: 070 247 005 082 093 235 037 248 Humax 02: 8F AE 7F FB 2D BB 64 F6 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 20) 03: 46 F7 05 52 5D EB 25 F8 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 21) Neotion 06: 8F AE 7F FB 2D BB 64 F6 07: 46 F7 05 52 5D EB 25 F8 ww.uydulife.tv
01.04.09, 22:42 | #5 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 587
Üyelik tarihi: 16.01.2009
Mesajlar: 231
Konular: 26
Rep Gücü : 17
Rep Puanı : 180
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 14 [] Paylaşım: 0 / 330 |
DigiTV (1°W)
DigiTV (1°W) 01.04.2009
ident 2111 (Nagra2) HEX: 3E 05 F7 73 03 47 E4 34 37 F1 FB CA B3 A8 B4 61 DEC: 062 005 247 115 003 071 228 052 055 241 251 202 179 168 180 097 DigiTV @ Intelsat 10-02 1W For Dreambox, Humax and others - ident 2111 For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident 2011 01/04/2009 DigiTV *** 00: 3E 05 F7 73 03 47 E4 34 37 F1 FB CA B3 A8 B4 61 HEX: 3E05F7730347E43437F1FBCAB3A8B461 DEC: 062 005 247 115 003 071 228 052 055 241 251 202 179 168 180 097 for CAM module: HEX *** 00-0: 3E 05 F7 73 03 47 E4 34 DEC *** 00-0: 062 005 247 115 003 071 228 052 HEX *** 00-1: 37 F1 FB CA B3 A8 B4 61 DEC *** 00-1: 055 241 251 202 179 168 180 097 for HUMAX reciever: 00: 3E 05 F7 73 03 47 E4 34 (TM line 10) 01: 37 F1 FB CA B3 A8 B4 61 (TM line 11) for "SoftCam.***" and "***list.txt" file: N 2111 00 3E05F7730347E43437F1FBCAB3A8B461 ;DigiTV IDEA ECM 86 (01/04/2009) for "camd3.****" file: 1801:002111:0000000000:00:3E05F7730347E43437F1FBCA B3A8B461 DigiTV IDEA ECM 86 (01/04/2009) for "nagra" file: I: { 21 11 00 { 3E 05 F7 73 03 47 E4 34 37 F1 FB CA B3 A8 B4 61 }} DigiTV IDEA ECM 86 (01/04/2009) for "***list" file: 1801:000000:211100::3E 05 F7 73 03 47 E4 34 37 F1 FB CA B3 A8 B4 61 DigiTV IDEA ECM 86 (01/04/2009) ww.uydulife.tv
01.04.09, 23:14 | #6 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 587
Üyelik tarihi: 16.01.2009
Mesajlar: 231
Konular: 26
Rep Gücü : 17
Rep Puanı : 180
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 14 [] Paylaşım: 0 / 330 |
DigiTV (1°W) 01.04.2009
01/04/2009 DigiTV KEY 01: 1E C3 99 12 61 BF D8 D7 4B BC FE 1E 31 08 62 8C HEX: 1EC3991261BFD8D74BBCFE1E3108628C DEC: 030 195 153 018 097 191 216 215 075 188 254 030 049 008 098 140 for CAM module: HEX Key 01-0: 1E C3 99 12 61 BF D8 D7 DEC Key 01-0: 030 195 153 018 097 191 216 215 HEX Key 01-1: 4B BC FE 1E 31 08 62 8C DEC Key 01-1: 075 188 254 030 049 008 098 140 for HUMAX reciever: 02: 1E C3 99 12 61 BF D8 D7 (TM line 20) 03: 4B BC FE 1E 31 08 62 8C (TM line 21) [for "SoftCam.Key" and "Keylist.txt" file: N 2111 01 1EC3991261BFD8D74BBCFE1E3108628C ;DigiTV IDEA ECM 96 (01/04/2009) for "camd3.keys" file: 1801:002111:0000000000:01:1EC3991261BFD8D74BBCFE1E 3108628C DigiTV IDEA ECM 96 (01/04/2009) for "nagra" file: I: { 21 11 01 { 1E C3 99 12 61 BF D8 D7 4B BC FE 1E 31 08 62 8C }} DigiTV IDEA ECM 96 (01/04/2009) for "keylist" file: 1801:000000:211101::1E C3 99 12 61 BF D8 D7 4B BC FE 1E 31 08 62 8C DigiTV IDEA ECM 96 (01/04/2009) ww.uydulife.tv
Konu coşcoş@1222 tarafından (01.04.09 Saat 23:58 ) değiştirilmiştir.. |
15.04.09, 17:59 | #7 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 12
Üyelik tarihi: 17.07.2008
Yaşım: 54
Mesajlar: 183
Konular: 27
Rep Gücü : 17
Rep Puanı : 70
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 12 [] Paylaşım: 0 / 289 |
15.04.2009 002111 ( 00)7d 2a 50 4e 4b f5 ff 15 002111 ( 01)b9 02 dc f9 01 76 c0 90 ww.uydulife.tv
15.04.09, 18:00 | #8 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 234
Üyelik tarihi: 19.09.2008
Yaşım: 43
Mesajlar: 108
Konular: 35
Rep Gücü : 17
Rep Puanı : 96
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 9 [] Paylaşım: 0 / 210 |
DigiTV (1°W) 15.04.2009
ident 2111 [Nagra2] DigiTV (1°W) Key 00: 7D 2A 50 4E 4B F5 FF 15 B9 02 DC F9 01 76 C0 90 Key 00 in HEX: 7D2A504E4BF5FF15B902DCF90176C090 Key 00 in DEC: 125 042 080 078 075 245 255 021 185 002 220 249 001 118 192 144 For camd3.keys (camd3.keys): 1801:002111:0000000000:00:7D2A504E4BF5FF15B902DCF9 0176C090 ; IDEA 86 For CCcam (SoftCam.Key): N 2111 00 7D2A504E4BF5FF15B902DCF90176C090 ; IDEA 86 For Newcamd (keylist): 1801:000000:211100::7D 2A 50 4E 4B F5 FF 15 B9 02 DC F9 01 76 C0 90 ; IDEA 86 For EVOcamd (keylist.txt): N 2111 00 7D2A504E4BF5FF15B902DCF90176C090 ; IDEA 86 For GBox (nagra): I: { 21 11 00 { 7D 2A 50 4E 4B F5 FF 15 B9 02 DC F9 01 76 C0 90 }} # IDEA 86 For MGcamd (Softcam.Key): N 2111 00 7D2A504E4BF5FF15B902DCF90176C090 ; IDEA 86 scam (nagra2): N: { 2111 00000000 06 08 10 { 7D2A504E4BF5FF15B902DCF90176C090 }} For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key) N 2111 00 7D2A504E4BF5FF15B902DCF90176C090 ;DigiTV (1°W) CAM Module HEX Key 00-0: 7D 2A 50 4E 4B F5 FF 15 00-1: B9 02 DC F9 01 76 C0 90 CAM Module DEC Key 00-0: 125 042 080 078 075 245 255 021 00-1: 185 002 220 249 001 118 192 144 Humax 00: 7D 2A 50 4E 4B F5 FF 15 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 10) 01: B9 02 DC F9 01 76 C0 90 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 11) Neotion 04: 7D 2A 50 4E 4B F5 FF 15 05: B9 02 DC F9 01 76 C0 90 ww.uydulife.tv
15.04.09, 18:11 | #9 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 98
Üyelik tarihi: 18.08.2008
Nereden: Bilgivadisi
Yaşım: 43
Mesajlar: 3.763
Konular: 1822
Rep Gücü : 29
Rep Puanı : 950
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 46 [] Paylaşım: 114 / 1142 |
Paylaşım için teşekkürler
17.04.09, 17:46 | #10 | |||||||||
Üye Numarası: 587
Üyelik tarihi: 16.01.2009
Mesajlar: 231
Konular: 26
Rep Gücü : 17
Rep Puanı : 180
Rep Seviyesi :
Level: 14 [] Paylaşım: 0 / 330 |
DigiTV (1°W) Key 01: 1C E8 62 EE 9F 8B 25 2F BC 4D 5F C0 90 20 ED 8F
Key 01 in HEX: 1CE862EE9F8B252FBC4D5FC09020ED8F Key 01 in DEC: 028 232 098 238 159 139 037 047 188 077 095 192 144 032 237 143 For camd3.keys (camd3.keys): 1801:002111:0000000000:01: 1CE862EE9F8B252FBC4D5FC09020ED8F ; IDEA 96 For CCcam (SoftCam.Key): N 2111 01 1CE862EE9F8B252FBC4D5FC09020ED8F; IDEA 96 For Newcamd (keylist): 1801:000000:211101::1C E8 62 EE 9F 8B 25 2F BC 4D 5F C0 90 20 ED 8F ; IDEA 96 For EVOcamd (keylist.txt): N 2111 01 1CE862EE9F8B252FBC4D5FC09020ED8F ; IDEA 96 For GBox (nagra): I: { 21 11 01 { 1C E8 62 EE 9F 8B 25 2F BC 4D 5F C0 90 20 ED 8F }} # IDEA 96 For MGcamd (Softcam.Key): N 2111 01 1CE862EE9F8B252FBC4D5FC09020ED8F ; IDEA 96 scam (nagra2): N: { 2111 00000000 46 08 10 { 1CE862EE9F8B252FBC4D5FC09020ED8F }} For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key) N 2111 01 1CE862EE9F8B252FBC4D5FC09020ED8F ;DigiTV (1°W) CAM Module HEX Key 01-0: 1C E8 62 EE 9F 8B 8B 25 01-1: 2F BC 4D 5F C0 90 ED 8F CAM Module DEC Key 01-0: 028 232 098 238 159 139 037 047 01-1: 188 077 095 192 144 032 237 143 Humax 02: 1C E8 62 EE 9F 8B 8B 25 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 20) 03: 2F BC 4D 5F C0 90 ED 8F (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 21) Neotion 06: 1C E8 62 EE 9F 8B 8B 25 07: 2F BC 4D 5F C0 90 ED 8F ww.uydulife.tv
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